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地酒処 山田酒店

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Kankobai純米吟醸 夏のペンギン純米吟醸
Kankobai Check-in 1Kankobai Check-in 2
地酒処 山田酒店
Purchased at a liquor store. It is Hatsukankubai. I stopped by and bought it for the first time on my way home from the Tenzan Sake Brewery opening, which I posted about one or two posts ago. It is one of the famous sake shops in Saga, and also the sake shop that helped launch Nabeshima. If you come to Saga, be sure to visit Yamada Sake Brewery! Cold sake. Fresh apple-like aroma. Fruity and slightly juicy. Slightly gassy. Recommended for sake beginners.
Nabeshima Check-in 1
Nabeshima Check-in 2Nabeshima Check-in 3
地酒処 山田酒店
Kitashizuku from Nabeshima, I drank junmai ginjo several times, but this is my first time to drink junmai daiginjo😊. Mild ginjo aroma, refreshing. Less fruity, almost no sweetness. I tasted the simple flavor of the rice A bit of spicy sharpness at the end I thought jun-dai was more floral than jun-gin, but it was surprisingly conservative and reserved. On the contrary, it is surprisingly conservative and modest It is not flashy and has a calm feeling. Simple and high quality Ideal as a food sake You cannot bring meat back to Taiwan from Japan, but seafood is allowed! I brought back some seafood from my trip to Kyushu 😄. Karasumi (dried mullet roe), Flatfish, Nori (laver), Kamaboko (fish cake), and some dried sardines I'm going to make hamaguri miso soup tonight! Souvenirs from Karatsu, Saga 🎁. Miso soup with iriko dashi as a secret ingredient 🥹.
Nabeshima兵庫県特A山田錦 大吟醸35大吟醸
Nabeshima Check-in 1Nabeshima Check-in 2
Nabeshima Check-in 3Nabeshima Check-in 4
地酒処 山田酒店
Fresh pear aroma Soft and elegant Pleasantly carbonated with fine bubbles A hint of beautiful sweetness from the rice Transparent yet full-bodied flavor that fills the mouth Very tasty 😋. Slightly spicy aftertaste It is nice with a slight spiciness in the aftertaste. Luxurious 35% polished The taste is crystal clear and delicious 😄. Tonight we will have a crab casserole! I have a habit of collecting bottle caps from old drinks and displaying them in a photo frame I bought at Daiso! I think I drank a lot of sake. When I look at my cap collection, I realize that the brands I drink are very limited I plan to explore more unknown brands in the future 🤓.
Good evening, superbebe! I can't resist the elegant aroma and crystal clear taste of Nabeshima Daiginjo and the gorgeous crab pot dinner 🦀The collection of lids is beautifully preserved and lovely! I can tell from the lids what your tastes tend to be 😊.
superbebe, good evening 🌇I envy your combination of crab and Nabeshima. ‼️It seems to be very difficult to find unknown brands unless you go to the countryside, but good luck 😆.
Good evening. Your collection of crowns is magnificent. Recently, there are fewer and fewer elaborately made crowns due to cost cutting. Even famous breweries have plain ones... Sometimes I can't throw away a stylish crown of sake I drank because it's too good to throw away.
superbebe. Good evening... Oh wow 🤩this is awesome! There was a time when collecting bottle crowns was popular a long time ago, but it's cool that you not only collect them but also make them beautiful and attractive👍.
Hi Hirupeco, good evening. I really need to get out of my comfort zone. I'd like to try more other brands... 🥺.
Good evening, Mr. Manachy. In fact, there are many major brands that I have not tried yet! I'll do my best 😁.
Good evening, Goonyi Go! These lids are quite interesting to look at. Certain lids have family crests or mystery marks 🤓, I already forgot which brand of sake it is 🤔. Spent a long time googling about and searching 😵‍
Hi, kozo. I collect labels too. I was surprised when I sorted through the lids. I found a lot of duplicates Turns out there are only a few brands that I drank 🥲.
Sharaku Check-in 1
冩樂の酒未来が美味しすぎたので購入。個人的には酒未来に比べるとかなり劣るな😂セメ臭とフルーティーな香りが混じってる感じ。酸味が強く甘酸っぱくて、酸味が口の中に残る感じ。美味いけど普通の純米吟醸の方がいいかな🤔冩樂らしさはある! 2日目は酸味が落ち着いて美味い😋昨日のとは全然違う!バランス良く冩樂らしさ全開✨
