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Bijofuうすにごり 純米大吟醸 生酒純米大吟醸生酒おりがらみ発泡
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The third drink was my request. I was attracted by the light nigori and effervescence. The store staff carefully controlled the opening of the bottle. I enjoyed it in different ways: supernatant, cloudy, and with ice. It was refreshing and fizzy.
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The second drink was a drunken whale. It was still spicy, but softer and easier to drink than the previous one. He told me that people in Kochi can't drink unless the sake is light and dry, because they keep on drinking by exchanging sake cups.
Takiarashi岡田以蔵 純米純米
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Three of my best friends from high school were on our annual golf and sake trip. This was my first time in Kochi. After golf, we were taken to Katsurahama Beach to see the statue of Ryoma. I was surprised at how big it was. Then we had a party at an elegant restaurant. I started with Izo the Manslayer. Dry sake.
Tsukasabotan土佐の泉 吟醸酒吟醸
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The party was a lot of fun, and a good amount of sake was consumed by the three of us! Beksan was feeling a bit tired, so I dropped him off at the hotel and enjoyed the night in Kochi with Mexican tequila, gyoza at Yasubei, and shijimi ramen at Yumbei Yatai. We had a drink at Shunya and some extra sake! Tosa no Izumi Ginjo-shu by Shibotan! I couldn't find it on the internet! It was also very light and dry! Let's go to Hakodate or Kushiro from Kochi next time we have this gathering. ✈️ extensive knowledge Alcohol content: 14 to 15 degrees Celsius Rice polishing ratio 60
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Greetings from Kochi, return sake cups, and kakai (可杯). We sipped the sake together with the tongue-tied god and drank some more sake! I had an image of Kaygetsu as a sweet sake, but tonight's sake was light and dry! The proprietress said she would serve chrysanthemum flowers the next time we come! After a sorbet of Tosa Buntan, a specialty of Kochi, the party was over for the night! extensive knowledge Alcoholic strength, 15 degrees Rice, Akitsuho and others (100% domestic rice), Polishing ratio, 65%-70 Rice polishing ratio, 65%-70%,. Sake degree, +4, Acidity, 1.9 Acidity, 1.9
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Shunke here. We have been very happy to have served you when I was working in Shikoku, and I have been bringing my friends here ever since! The culture of Kochi is unique among the four prefectures of Shikoku. The proprietress will sit down with us free of charge and enjoy talking and playing with us about this culture! So, I asked the hostess to reserve a table and sit with us for this meeting. Here comes the hostess! I used to have the ceremony with hot sake, but I asked for cold sake for the first time this time because I was getting drunk too fast! I selected my number 3800 here! Tosatsuru's freshly stored sake! Fresh sake for the three of us! Learning about Kochi culture! A fun night started here with a sake cup! knowledge of the culture of Kochi Sake degree +4 Acidity 1.5 Alc. degree 15 Rice polishing ratio 65
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Bessan, Select Part 2 Mikuyo Comparison I have had the special junmai before. The sparkling Bikuyo was dry and not sweet, but the special junmai was also light and dry! Sukiyaki whale with Nishi-gai clam soup (🍲) It was about time for the proprietress to appear! She was waiting for us! Since we had moderated the amount of sake we had consumed, we decided to start the Kochi ritual of playing the "Ozashiki" game with the proprietress! knowledge Raw material rice/Matsuyama Mitsui Polishing ratio/60 Alcoholicity/15° to 16 Sake degree/+5 Acidity/1.6 Amino acidity/1.0 Yeast/KA-1 (Kumamoto yeast)
Bijofu舞 うすにごり BIJOFU Mai Usunigori純米大吟醸生酒おりがらみ発泡
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Bessan, Select Bikuyo Drink Comparison This is the first time for me to drink a sparkling wine! The waiter opened the bottle slowly and took his time to serve me a glass of sake. He advises us to drink the top clear liquid first, then mix in the oli, and after that, drink it with ice on top! The Kochi drinking party is called "Okyaku"! Hospitality, great👍! We enjoyed each drink in its own way 😃. Salted bonito, so thick! We ate three slices as it was, and the rest was topped with soup stock to change the taste! Also delicious! a few words of knowledge This effervescent junmai daiginjo-namaishu is reminiscent of champagne made from rice. Second fermentation in the bottle produces fine, refreshing bubbles from the live yeast. Alcohol 14%. Rice polishing ratio 50%.
Suigei純米吟醸 吟麗純米吟醸
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The next drink is selected by Mexican Tequila Drunken Whale, a famous drink. I have drunk it before A representative of Kochi sake It's jungin, so it's easy to drink. I don't mind how dry it is! This dish is not a dish on a plate, but I was surprised that this sashimi came out of nowhere. ‼️ Deep fried moray eel, shrimp and green laver! Let's sit down and drink and eat 😂. Unsknowledge Rice / Ginpu (Hokkaido) Polishing ratio/50 Alcohol/16° to 17° C Sake degree/+7 Acidity/1.6 Amino acidity/0.9 Yeast/KA-1 (Kumamoto yeast)
Takiarashi純米酒 岡田以蔵純米
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I haven't been to Tosa, Kochi, a tropical island in Japan, for a long time. After mowing the lawn, I went to Shunya in town to experience Kochi culture! Before having a tatami room with the proprietress, let's have some Kochi Sake first! There are 12 kinds of Tosa sake in 300ml bottles at this store! Choose the one you are interested in and drink it! Famous for Okada Izura and Hitokiri Izura! The sake is light and dry, like a representative of Kochi sake! We didn't have any CEL24 sake here today, so let's enjoy the dry sake 😌. After mowing the lawn, we went for a walk on Katsurahama beach 🚶. extensive knowledge Sake meter: +4/ Acidity: 1.6/ Ingredients: Matsuyama Mitsui/ Rice and rice koji/ Rice polishing ratio: 70%/ Alcoholic strength: 15