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Bijofu舞 うすにごり BIJOFU Mai Usunigori純米大吟醸生酒おりがらみ発泡
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Bessan, Select Bikuyo Drink Comparison This is the first time for me to drink a sparkling wine! The waiter opened the bottle slowly and took his time to serve me a glass of sake. He advises us to drink the top clear liquid first, then mix in the oli, and after that, drink it with ice on top! The Kochi drinking party is called "Okyaku"! Hospitality, great👍! We enjoyed each drink in its own way 😃. Salted bonito, so thick! We ate three slices as it was, and the rest was topped with soup stock to change the taste! Also delicious! a few words of knowledge This effervescent junmai daiginjo-namaishu is reminiscent of champagne made from rice. Second fermentation in the bottle produces fine, refreshing bubbles from the live yeast. Alcohol 14%. Rice polishing ratio 50%.