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こととや CoCoLo新潟店

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Mienokanbai吟醸 生貯蔵酒吟醸生貯蔵酒
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こととや CoCoLo新潟店
Speaking of Kanme, Koshino Kanme, this is Mie's Kanme. I looked it up again, and it seems that there are several Kanme in the world. It has a mild yet fruity aroma. The mouthfeel is slightly smooth and silky, Mellow and light, with a hint of sweetness, It has a slightly astringent and rich flavor with a dry aftertaste, Delicious! === Rice Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic), brewing alcohol Rice: Yamadanishiki produced in Mie Prefecture Polishing ratio: 60 Alcohol content: 15 Sake degree: +2.0 Acidity: 1.2 700 yen per 300ml === The price is ★★★★☆☆☆
ねのひ花風月 吟醸吟醸
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こととや CoCoLo新潟店
Morita Corporation of Nagoya, a brewing company with 350 years of history, representative brands Ne-no-hi, Ginjo Hanafugetsuki Cherry blossoms dancing in the air, Gentle floral aroma with soft astringency and bitterness, Mellow flavor with soft astringency and bitterness, It has a slightly dry taste with a lingering aftertaste. Today we had it with gyoza from Hamamatsu, our neighbor. I really like Hamamatsu Gyoza. === Ingredients: Rice Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic), brewing alcohol Rice:Gohyakumangoku Rice polishing ratio: 58 Alcohol content: 14-15%. Sake degree: +4.0 300ml 569yen === The price is ★★★★☆☆☆
Horai吟醸 伝統辛口純米
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こととや CoCoLo新潟店
Gifu comparison, Hourai by Watanabe Sake Brewery Hourai" is said to be Hida's representative beautiful sake, and has won many awards at sake competitions. It has a slightly floral, sweet, and fruity aroma, The mouthfeel is smooth, The palate is smooth, with a hint of sweetness, but the taste is dry with a mild acidity. The dryness comes from the mild acidity, soft umami lingers on the palate, It is elegant and delicious. === Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic), brewers' alcohol Rice used: Hidahomare Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol Content:16%. Sake degree: +6.0 Acidity: 1.3 712 yen for 300ml === The company's website is ★★★★☆
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こととや CoCoLo新潟店
Gifu Sake Comparison! At Kotobukiya in the new Niigata Station CoCoLo. There are not many places where you can buy sake from other prefectures Sake from outside of the prefecture. Iwamura Brewery's main brand "Onna Jyoshu", a sake brewery in the castle town with Iwamura Castle, one of the three largest mountain castles in Japan built in the Kamakura period, as its symbol, and a label with a design of Oda Nobunaga's aunt Otsuya no Kata, who is said to be "the most beautiful woman of all time", are said to have been created to celebrate the 800th anniversary of Iwamura Castle construction. It was created to commemorate the 800th anniversary of the construction of Iwamura Castle. It has a mild aroma, It has a mild aroma and is dry and crisp, It has a dry, crisp aroma with a hint of sweetness, but it is refreshing throughout, It is crisp and light when cold, It is crisp and light when cold, and crisp and dry when warmed, It is clear and dry without any harshness even when heated up. ===Rice Ingredients:Rice(domestic),Rice malt(domestic) Rice used: Hidahomare? Polishing ratio: 50% for koji rice, 60% for kake rice Alcohol Content: 15-16 degrees Sake meter degree: +10.0 300ml 624yen === The price is ★★★★☆☆☆