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Kinuta Park (砧公園)

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Kinuta Park (砧公園)
Next is a pink label "Mutsu Hachisen". Sake from a business associate 🍶. Mmmm, delicious 🤤. I kept thinking about how similar it was to something, and it made me sleepy 💤. Yay, it's warm and it's lunchtime, and I've had lots of delicious snacks, so I can relax... I was in a dozing mood, but I remembered "Kido". I had an image that Hachisen was a bit drier, but this one had sweetness and juicy banana flavor. The label is similar too, come to think of it. I'm so happy!
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Kinuta Park (砧公園)
Cherry blossom viewing again🌸 It's Monday, the last day of the cherry blossom season. I couldn't have a New Year's Eve or New Year's party with my workmates, so I decided to go and see cherry blossoms. I think Kinuta Park is one of the best hanami spots in Tokyo. It's a huge park with a huge number of cherry trees, and the lawn is the best place to view cherry blossoms. The branches reach down to the ground and the falling cherry blossoms are just like a snowstorm. It was a pleasant time when the weather was warm and sunny and it was as if the time had stopped. ⌛️ Olisee Chameleon tastes like muskmelon and has the richness and slight bubbles characteristic of cloudy wine. It blew me away when I opened the bottle. 🗯️ I was glad it was outside! It's so tasty and easy to drink 🍶.