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Bunka Kaikan Building (文化会館ビル)

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Hiroki姫なでしこ 純米大吟醸
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It tastes like cooked rice. That may be the characteristic of Hiroki. My memory is hazy. Sake Fair 7/6 Sat. Ikebukuro Sunshine Cultural Hall. Each prefecture had its own booth where sake tasting was available. I wanted to visit the prefectures that I had been to for sake brewery tours, and I wanted to visit the prefectures that had their own special characteristics. I realized that there are still many sake that I don't know about, and that I have a preference to settle for Nagano sake in the end. My memory of the second half of the tour is a bit fuzzy. It was fun. But this is the only decent picture I have. I should note that there was a cosplay event on the lower floor, and the area around the entrance to the venue was a pleasant mix of people in fancy dress and drunks. Photo 4 shows the sake-tasting event held a few years ago. I did not attend this year's event.
Good morning, old man😃. I see you went to the sake fair! Seems like quite a lot of sake 🍶 lined up 😊It must be hard to keep your memory 😅 but it must be fun!
Dear Jay & Nobby Our past visits to the venue where you can sample all the award-winning sake (for an extra fee) have been spectacular. If you have never been, I recommend it. You will learn that all sake breweries taste similar when they are trying to win an award.
Kameizumi亀泉 CEL-24 純米吟醸生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Bunka Kaikan Building (文化会館ビル)
The 16th National Sake Fair 2024 Enjoy the dreamland for about 3 hours 🍶Otogi no land 🍶😍. Check in at Kameizumi but ☑️, I gave up on individual reviews too! Meet the people I wanted to meet! This is the main purpose of the first sake fair of the year! Can any of you recognize their faces? This year's main attraction is Mr. Kazutami Nishihara, Chairman of Kameizumi (Kochi Toji) ❤️ He kindly agreed to let us take a picture with him. He is too kind and has too much aura! Beautiful sake I encountered on a sake trip to Noto, Sakurada Sake brewer in Zhuzhou City Sakurada Sake Brewery in Zhuzhou City The Noto Peninsula earthquake hit the area, and both the brewery and their home were completely destroyed. The 4th president, Mr. Hirokatsu Sakurada, and his son are seen here: ‼️ I was empowered by their courage and smiles 💪💪. I will surely visit again ‼️ on the day of revival and rebirth ‼️ And the promised freshness ✨✨. Chikara Urasato of Urasato Sake Brewery 🌾🌾. And many more, from legends to mature and young and other people involved in the Japanese sake industry. This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity. ❣️ In my opinion 😆 ....
Good evening, Asanami 😄. I see you were there again this year 😆🙌 I went too 😁 wish I could have met you 🥹. You all have such beautiful smiles ✨very nice photos😍I look at the photos I took and hate myself 😅.
Good evening, Asanami 🌙 I attended the event myself😄. These are all good photos that show the atmosphere of the venue: ❤️ The attraction of this event is not only the drinks but also the people you can meet - ☺️
Good morning, Tsubu 😁 We might have passed each other 😉 It was a little narrower than last year, but it was easier to get around. I was a little narrower than last year 😉 but it was easy to get around. It's impossible to do a real-time review of the 3 hours of heat and excitement ‼️ of course 😆 I'm glad I was able to take a picture of your guess's smiling face 😍.
Good morning, Hiro-san. ❗️ You're here😄I'm so glad to share that atmosphere with you! I'm so happy 😆. I was able to reconfirm that I am attracted to people and hometowns more than anything else, not to mention sake 🍶!
Hi Asanami 😃 I'm really jealous of the National Sake Fair 🤤I've been looking at the reviews of those who have attended every year and thinking how nice it is 😄. It's so special to drink sake while seeing the brewer's face and listening to their stories. ☺️
Hi Aladdin, ☺️ every year the next day is in LA 🥲The National Sake Fair is rumored to be held in Kansai next year in conjunction with the Expo ⁉️. If it comes to fruition, I may have to make a trip there 😁. If it comes to fruition, I may go on an expedition 😁I'll be on a guessing game!