SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Hiroki姫なでしこ 純米大吟醸
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It tastes like cooked rice. That may be the characteristic of Hiroki. My memory is hazy. Sake Fair 7/6 Sat. Ikebukuro Sunshine Cultural Hall. Each prefecture had its own booth where sake tasting was available. I wanted to visit the prefectures that I had been to for sake brewery tours, and I wanted to visit the prefectures that had their own special characteristics. I realized that there are still many sake that I don't know about, and that I have a preference to settle for Nagano sake in the end. My memory of the second half of the tour is a bit fuzzy. It was fun. But this is the only decent picture I have. I should note that there was a cosplay event on the lower floor, and the area around the entrance to the venue was a pleasant mix of people in fancy dress and drunks. Photo 4 shows the sake-tasting event held a few years ago. I did not attend this year's event.
Good morning, old man😃. I see you went to the sake fair! Seems like quite a lot of sake 🍶 lined up 😊It must be hard to keep your memory 😅 but it must be fun!
Dear Jay & Nobby Our past visits to the venue where you can sample all the award-winning sake (for an extra fee) have been spectacular. If you have never been, I recommend it. You will learn that all sake breweries taste similar when they are trying to win an award.