yyk0117Slightly darker in mouthfeel. Dry. メリメリ梅Called dry, but quite sweet. ourugusuSourness and good taste of sake
so-so lotusAt a company drinking party.
This is Hina Sushi.
It's pretty good, with a medium-high level of quality. pyonpyonIzakaya Heritage-like 🎵If there was one in my neighborhood, I'd go there every day: ❤️
A glass is a drink 😋 not water 🍶for a food drink 👍️ ポンちゃんGood evening, pyonpyon 🌙
The cup looks like water to me 🤣 there is a lot in it 😳👍 pyonpyonGood evening, Pon, 🌙😃❗That's right - we got plenty 😜🎵😋. オレぱんsmooth and without a hitch RecommendedContentsSectionView.title