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Imanishi Harushika Sake Brewery (春鹿醸造元 今西清兵衛商店)

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A 500 yen sake tasting at Harushika: 5 different kinds of sake plus an extra sparkling sake. The first sake, 2023, was dry but very easy to drink and would go well with any food. The third one was a sealed sake that I could drink in gulps like a juice. The smoked Nara-zuke (pickles) was delicious. I heard that this year's sake brewery tour was fully booked, so I would definitely like to participate next year.
Harushika鹿鳴 純米吟醸原酒 雄町純米吟醸原酒
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★☆☆☆☆ / Cold Sake This sake is said to be made from 100% Omachi produced in Okayama Prefecture. The alcohol content is slightly high at 17%, but I thought it was refreshing and easy to drink. However, it does have a strong sake taste! LOL! The ginjo aroma is gentle and reveals the flavor of rice. It won the gold medal in the premium heated sake category at the National Heated Sake Contest 2019, so it's a sake you'll want to try warmed up!
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Long time no crush, labels have changed .... The label has changed. The woody aroma that lingers afterwards may be the same.
Good evening, koge2! I went to Harushika the other day and was very happy to see many limited edition sake 🎶.
Hi Pon-chan, the sake brewery festival sake was sweet and delicious! I was surprised that Harushika had such a sweet sake (even though Tokimeki is sweet too)!
koge2, nice to meet you 🐰. Thank you for posting the Harushika sake tasting. The limited edition sake for this year's Kura Matsuri is our first attempt at brewing a limited edition sake, so some of our regulars comment that it doesn't taste like Harushika. We look forward to seeing you again 🐰🍀.
Good evening, Mr. Usagi-Goden. I went to Seibei Imanishi first after I finished my business in Nara without paying attention to Kasuga-taisha Shrine, Todaiji Temple or Nara Park. If I have a chance to visit Nara again, I will definitely drop by.
Harushika純米吟醸 活性にごり 生酒 しろみき純米吟醸
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★☆☆☆☆ / Cold sake There is a creaminess characteristic of nigori sake. It has a sense of lactic acidity and a mild, sweet and umami taste of rice. It also has freshness and acidity, and is recommended for those making their Nigori Sake debut as it has few peculiarities.
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★★★★ / cold sake It was developed in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Nara Women's University. It is slightly thickened. The characteristics of this sake are its fruity and sour taste. It has a flavor similar to that of white wine, but I personally found it easier to drink than white wine! It is a sake that does not taste like sake! The strong acidity may not be to everyone's liking, but it is worth a try!