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Superlative favorite dry and light (Slightly cold) I don't know about you, but it's pretty tasty. It's quite dry, but I can taste the sweetness from somewhere. The aftertaste is strong like Otters, but it is refreshing and super easy to drink. (Very sharp). If you cool it down, the strong aftertaste disappears and it becomes very refreshing and easy to drink. I really like it with just the right amount of spiciness and refreshing aftertaste!
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Kochi sake, drunken whale! The price is about normal, but it's so delicious! It tastes superbly elegant. It tastes extremely elegant, and since the rice is polished to 55%, it is almost Daiginjo in freshness. It has a very clean spiciness and aftertaste with no cloying taste. The sake is quite light in flavor, so the deliciousness of the snacks really stands out. Sake that makes the food stand out. I love it!
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Oriental Beauty, ridiculously delicious. It has a graceful and gorgeous taste, like a luxury item. It really is like a sweet version of the drunken whale I was drinking the other day, but even though it is sweet, it is not too sweet, so it is very clear and very good. The aftertaste is also very clear. Even I, who do not like sweet sake, can enjoy it very much. The taste itself is very gentle and not too fussy, so it's very easy to drink. However, there is a very noble aroma in it, and the sake itself makes a statement. It's a little more expensive than other sakes, so I hesitate to drink it...
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Jozenmizunogotoshi!!!! A friend of mine who is a very strong drinker said it was the best sweet sake he'd ever tasted, and I happened to find it, so I bought it! It's from Niigata and tastes a lot like Otters. It's from Niigata, but it tastes very similar to Otters, but it's more gentle and not too thick, so it's very easy to drink for a sweet sake! I like it a lot for a sweet sake!
Dassai純米大吟醸 45
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It's a delicious, perfectly chilled Otter Oni! When I drank it before, I was surprised by its strong sweet aroma and too assertive aftertaste, but when I drank it today, it's so delicious! Oh no! Even before I drank it, the aroma was strong, but the taste was strong and the aftertaste was appealing, but not as strong as before. I can feel its strong personality, but this sake is complete on its own. You can easily drink it without any snacks. Super delicious! It's the best!