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★5 I had it chilled and very refreshing. It was refreshing and very easy to drink. I was told that it goes well with light-flavored fish dishes. Personally, it was very good to enjoy the sake alone without eating a meal in small sips. I thought the taste was very reasonable for the price. Sake Quality/Category] Junmai Daiginjo 40 Contents] 1800ml Ingredients】Rice(Domestic), Rice malt (Domestic) Rice】100% Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio] 40 Alcohol Content】16度以上17度未満 Sake meter] +3 Acidity] 1.4
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★4 Gift from my brother I decided to drink it in a wine glass. As described, grapefruit and other citrusy aromas lingered on the nose, and there was a tingling sensation in the mouth that reminded me of microcarbonation. When swirled, it smells like ripe melon, which I thought was also true to the description. When you are looking for a sake that retains the aroma of rice and the sweetness of rice, this is not what you are looking for. However, I think it goes very well with cheese, pasta, and other Western-style meals, just like wine. Personally, I like it very much. It is amazing to think that it is made from rice. Sake Quality/Classification】Junmai Ginjo-shu Contents] 720ml Ingredients] Rice, rice malt Rice】 Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio] 45 Alcohol content] 16
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4.5 I love Ryu no Hitomi rice and thought that if the rice is this good, the sake must be too, so I ordered this. Sake Quality/Classification: Sake (Junmai Daiginjo) Contents] 720ml Ingredients] Rice, Rice Koji Ingredients] Rice, Rice Koji Rice Polishing Ratio] 50% [Alcohol Content] 15 Alcohol content】15度 Slightly dry with a crisp aftertaste. Today is Christmas Eve, so I am enjoying it after eating Kentucky and cake. I feel it goes very well with it. The aroma that comes through the nose and the aftertaste of the rice is very sweet, which I like very much. The sake is delicious, but the rice is really good, and I want many people to know about it.
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3.5 Purchased on a trip to Odawara Brewer】Ishii Jozo Contents] 300ml Ingredients] Rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic), brewers' alcohol Rice polishing ratio] 70% [Alcohol content] 15 Alcohol content】15度 The taste is fresh and crisp. It has a slightly sweet aroma in the mouth. The aftertaste is spicy and tangy. It tastes better when it is well chilled. Next time, I will try Soga no Homare.
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★3 Sake quality/classification: Sake/Junmai Ginjo-shu Contents] 300ml Ingredients] Rice (Niigata), Rice malted rice (Niigata) Koji rice: Gohyakumangoku (Niigata), Kake rice: Koshibuki (Niigata) Polishing ratio】50 Alcohol content】16.0%. Sweet and fruity Enjoy the aroma