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Shinshu Kirei真里ラベル 山恵錦 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 1
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 2Shinshu Kirei Check-in 3
Today is White Day💙! Our family will be receiving Shinshu Kamerei's Mari label 😆💕. Actually, I'm mad 😡. This is it... Danna went to Nagano by himself last Saturday. My husband went to Nagano by himself last Saturday ‼️ I had always wanted to go to Nagano. He wanted to go to Okazaki sake brewery... Above all, I bought too much sake. ‼️ I thought I sneaked out early in the morning. In the evening, he came back with the items in the third picture. 🤷‍♀️ It's an after-the-fact report...isn't that awful⁉️ I heard he went there to get the Mari label which is only available at the brewery. I heard he went there to get the Mari label, which is exclusive to the brewery 🙁 .... (about 400 km round trip) Anyway, cheers✨🥂✨ It smells slightly nice... ♪ One sip and oh ❣️ it's sweet and delicious 💕 Fruity aroma The balance of sweetness and sourness is very good 💕. It is a little thick and has a light sizzling sensation 🫧. I think there is a slight bitterness in the aftertaste 﫧. (on the label on the back) It is fresh and fruity💕. Very tasty😍! I'm angry and happy to have a good drink. My heart is complicated...
Good evening, Tsubu! You even got the table that takeshon-san recommended! Your husband has very sharp antennae 😁. Oh, and anger is not good for your beauty 💦.
Good evening, Tsubu-chan! So this was the reason why Tsubu-chan and Dora-chan were arguing. 〰︎😳I can't believe you went without telling me...it would have been fun if you went together 🥺, but maybe you can make up after having a nice drink 🍶 together? 😊
Good evening, Tsubu-chan😄. It's hard to report after the fact 💦I thought it would have been a lot of fun if we could have gone together 😅I wish I could have made it a memory that we went to Nagano together 😂.
Good evening, Tsubu! Is it a present for White Day? Now that you were able to tell the cause of the fight, it looks like you were able to make up 😊Good ❣️ hope you can go together this time 🎶.
Good evening, Tsubu! Your husband's energy ✨ I respect and take my hat off to him 🤣. I'm envious of your marinabel 😆 Let's get together in Ueda with the members of Sakewa👍!
Tsubu-chan Good evening ^ ^ ^ That was a shock 😭. I guess she wanted him to drink this drink for white day 😁. But your husband's energy is great👍.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran🌙 Yes ❣️ the other day, the local liquor store only had Tasatsu.......but the liquor store in Nagano had it so he bought it for me ❣️ I'm looking forward to seeing the takeshon-san's favorite, Stubborn table. Anger...no? I know... 😮‍💨
Good evening, mamiko! I warned her about buying too much alcohol the other day and she got angry 💢 and went to Nagano without telling me, so I got angry 💢 and now we have a week off from drinking 🤣I think we've made up 😂... or maybe not...
Hi Masa, good evening 🌙 I usually go out for sake activities here and there on weekends, but this day I left my house before 5:30am, I thought it was no way, but it was that no way 🥺😢 I wish I could have gone 🤷‍♀️
Good evening, Pon-chan. I hardly spoke to you this morning. "What do you want to drink tonight?" "Tonight? What's up?" "It's White Day." I had no idea 🤣. I chose Mari label because it's a good opportunity 😜.
Good evening, kino. I wonder how many members we can get if we get together in Ueda 🤣I'll try ❓🤣.
Good evening, Manta! I'm really light on footwork when it comes to getting my target sake 🚙💨 I have a lot of inventory and I don't want people to buy too much, but I'm having trouble because good sake keeps coming out one after another 💧.
Good evening 😃 I knew you were going for this when you said you went to a brewery offline 🤣. I think it's still fine when you can make a story out of it in an offline meeting. Please be careful not to get into a serious fight 😅.
Good evening, Tsubu! You are a kind husband! He secretly went shopping for White Day. I wonder if he went? I wonder 😊. I see that the truth label changes every year. I'm hoping to get one this year 😀.
Good morning, Tsubu 😃. Mari label super jealous ‼️ Hats off to your husband's energy for a 400km round trip ✨. Please come to Ueda with us next time 😊.
Good morning, Tsubu-chan 😃Your husband's energy to start his drinking activity at 5:30 in the morning is amazing ✨He thought the gift for White Day was a marble label. I imagine so on my own, what a great story💕.
Good morning, Tsubu 😃If Tsubu gets mad... hey, no, not because he's cute 😁 no power 🙂 I guess it was supposed to be a surprise for Dora 😊 but I'd go with you if we were in Nagano!
Hi, Tsubu-chan ☀️ It was Dora's White Day surprise plan 💗 I just wanted to see Tsubu-chan surprised and happy 💗 We can go together next time 💕 I like Mari-label 😍.
Don't get mad at such a good husband 🤣You're right, Dora, you've got the hard table too 👍.
Good evening, Tsubu! Yes, yes, I know ❗️ how angry you are and how impressed you are with the taste 💦, but there are three hearts ♥️ flying around in that third picture 🤣.
Tsubu. Good evening...your husband is very active 😳 Well, he bought some delicious sake for you, so forgive him 🙏. I haven't come across Shinshu Kamerei yet, but it has an unusual label♪
Good evening, Tsubu! I had a good rest day and I had an unexpected drink of white turtle juice 🤗 but I'm not sure if I'm in the mood to start after 5:00 pm 😳. We are going at the end of the month and I would like to learn a lot of things 😄.
Tsubu-chan, konban-ha! Dora-chan, you wanted to surprise Tsubu-chan with a surprise, didn't you? Next time, please go together as good friends.
Good evening, Tsubu 😄 That's an awful lot of White Day gifts 😳 I love how you are trying to please Tsubu with all your love 😆 I'm jealous of your turtle age.
I'm a little nervous. I bought a very expensive one! I usually don't have a greedy wife, but sometimes she wants things that are too expensive 🤣. I'm not usually greedy, but sometimes she wants something really bad 🤣. I actually went with her to eat buckwheat noodles. Too bad I couldn't buy it. It would have been better like that 👩‍❤️‍👨
Good evening, Ranchan 🌙. At the beginning of the week after the meeting, I warned you about buying too much alcohol. Then don't drink! I would have been angry too if you said that to me 😅and I'm going to Ueda alone on the weekend 💢, so it was bad this time 🤣.
Good evening, Harry. Are you being nice 💦? I just want to buy! I just want to buy it myself.... Well, he said I can drink whatever I want for white day 😅 Please get the Mari label ❣️
Hi Zeke, good evening 🌙 The Mari label was delicious😍! It was only because of Danna's energy that I got the Mari label, but it was a little frustrating that he went away without telling me ❗️ 😤.
Good evening, Wakata! You're already making it too beautiful ❗️🤣I said it's not like that (lol) but if that's the case, I guess he got even angrier because I said something like "don't buy alcohol for a while longer😠" 😂.
Good evening, Yucachin! When I warned him about buying too much alcohol, he got upset💦. I said, "Let's not buy alcohol for a while and think about cutting back. I wonder if that's why he couldn't tell me he was going to Nagano to buy alcohol 😂.
Yu🎶, good evening 🌙. I don't know if it was a surprise plan or not, but it was the wrong time to warn him 〰︎ this time 😅 I don't know if he was planning to go secretly from the beginning or if he couldn't tell me 🤣.
Good evening, takeshon 🌙 I'm tempted to get angry when I see the 〰︎ inventory growing every day 〰︎🤣Stubborn table, good job👍🤣
Good evening, good evening, good evening 🌙 Oh shit 🫢I put a 💕heart on it 〰︎💦 (I should have put a 😠💢 mark 😠💢 on it 〰︎🤣
Good morning, kozo: ☀️ I have mixed feelings every time 😅I'm happy and the inventory that's accumulating 😂. The Mari label is a limited edition label designed by the toji's sister and manga artist Mari Okazaki✨.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby. ☀️ You're a surprise! I can't believe you went to Nagano by yourself 💧. I was happy to drink Mari label though 😜. I'm looking forward to your trip to Nagano 😆🎶That's a fun time thinking about where to go😆♪
Eririn, good morning~ ☀️ I'm going to Nagano and I'm going to shut up 😠pumping 💢I was happy to have a surprise Mari label drink as a result 😅I'm having a hard time controlling my emotions in my head🤣.
Good morning, Lutertemi. ☀️ I don't know if that's so... I'm having a hard time being angry, frustrated, happy, and disappointed in my opinion 😂 like I was misled by the Mari label 🤣 but this drink is definitely delicious 😆👍.
Good morning, tkmts. ☀️ You're doing a great job, Mrs. 😁👍 but I guess that balances your feelings 😊 Maybe I'll beg for something different instead of alcohol 🤭 Oh! I'm not begging for alcohol 😄.