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I tasted it a while ago and it was so good that I bought it. It was a liquor store that had about 10 different kinds of Kibotsu Tsuru 😳. I've never seen a place like this before. It has a juicy flavor that is typical of Omachi with a slight effervescence. It also has a slight minerality. This is the best Omachi I've had this year. It's one of the best sake I've had this year. The third one is Wasabi Soramame🫛 from Masuya Seika, a gift from Pon-chan! It has a rich flavor and goes really well with sake 😋. Thank you very much 🙇🙇. I didn't know that Masuya, which I went to at the Kyoto meeting, sells snacks and sweets 😳. I'm going to visit the store since it seems they also sell alcohol 🤔. It's starting to look like muscat after 3 days.
Good evening, bouken😄 I was originally interested in the Kibotsuru Sake from Saga, but now I want to try it 🤤. By the way, Masuya Seika is having a store at Osaka Station's LUCUA until 6/16 where you can buy cans of Ipponguri and other snacks 🍶.
Good evening, bouken 🌒. Ki, Ki, Ki Feng Crane ‼️🤤 Looks delicious 🤤. Maybe I'll go check it out tomorrow 🤤. I'm jealous 🤤.
Hello, bouken🐦. I'm so glad you brought this up 🙇 There is a small store right by the south entrance on the first floor of Kyoto Tower, so if you have a chance, please take a look 😊. I missed buying this Kiho crane at Nishimura-san 〰😭.
Good evening Aladdin 😃. Yes, the Kifeng Crane 😋 I thought it was a must drink for omatists 😆. How timely 😳I'll try to visit Luxure during this period 😊Thanks for the information 🙏.
Good evening, Maru 😃. Ki, Ki, Ki Feng Tsuru 🤣. It was so good 😋. Please note that we are closed on Sundays 😌.
Ponchan, thank you too for the delicious snacks 🙇. It's an easy place to stop by near the station 😆. I'd like to go there while visiting Takimoto or Isetan 😁.
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The purpose of my visit to Kawanishi Sake Sales was this. Although it is not written on the label, the sake was labeled as unfiltered raw sake at the store. Unlike the label, it is fruity and modern. It has a refreshing and light taste, but the second half is a bit dry. It has a slightly gaseous taste. It is a bit like Eiko-Fuji, but a little spicier. I wrote it in a subtle way, but it is quite tasty with a good sweetness and flavor. I would like to try the Junmai Ginjyo Nama as well. I think it tastes better after the second day than on the first day.
Hatsuyukihai2022BY 槽場詰おりがらみ 媛育純米純米原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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I bought it at Kawanishi Sake Brewery near Shitennoji. There were few reviews and those few reviews were negative, so I went there with a lot of anxiety, but I had no problem 🤣. It seems they used to be a liquor store specializing in restaurants, and it still says so on their website. I wonder if they renovated it last year or so and started offering retail services? The brands they carry include Zuikan, Kihotsuru, Matsuura Ichi, Kawazuru, Yoakemae, Takayui, Kurogyu, Rumiko's Sake, Hatsuyukibai, Sashi, Hizen Kurashin, Take-no-en, Yamasan Masamune, Amabuki, Ryoseki, Nanakanma, Kozutsuru, Eikofuji, Nihon Izumi, etc. There are not many popular brands, but there are a lot of interesting brands that are not available elsewhere. The staff were all very friendly. It had been a while since I had tasted Hatsuyukibai, and this was my first time to taste Ehime Ikume 71 rice. The taste is clean and sweet like grapefruit. The acidity also has a grapefruit-like atmosphere. Maybe a little bit of cemedine? It has a strong grape-like flavor.