やまさんTenko純米大吟醸Akita12/24/2020, 11:30:58 AM12/24/202011やまさんThe taste is clean and crisp. I drank it for the first time, but it is delicious.Japanese>English
らいとTenko20純米大吟醸Akita9/28/2020, 9:39:59 AM26らいとBanana, sweet apple. Juicy, with a little bit of greenness and a little bit of alcohol. I didn't get the piquancy that I've come to expect from the other wines. The aftertaste seems to linger in the back of the throat...it's long.Japanese>English
さっこTenkoAkita12/19/2018, 11:51:54 AMさっこほんのり甘い アルコール度数高い感じすこしする。後味で苦味?渋み?すこし有り。 嫌いではないけど、すごく好きというわけでもない。