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. . I drank a rare sake called Amplevu. The sake has a sake level of -40 degrees Celsius, which I don't understand. It was so sweet that I wondered what I was drinking. It was a bit like "what am I drinking? I think it somehow brings out the flavor of the entrée. With a deer! It was a strange sake!
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Rice polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 11 The aroma has a gentle sweetness and acidity reminiscent of green apples and white grapes. A true white wine? While the aroma is refreshing, the taste is rich. The sourness and sweetness are reminiscent of apple wine. It is characterized by its strong impact! However, the aftertaste is not persistent, and it quickly and comfortably recedes while leaving a plum-like acid aftertaste. It's a white wine itself with strong acidity! It will go well with oily dishes. It was an amazing sake! Thanks for the treat!
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It's a gift from Sawasa Shuzo, which I got as a souvenir. It tastes like white wine with succinic and malic acid. I didn't know that, so I was surprised when I drank it for the first time. I didn't know that, so I was surprised when I first drank it.

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