JCBennett月桂冠Suzaku月桂冠京都府2020/11/18 0:59:192020/11/1717JCBennettミドルオブザブロード、傾いた辛口。 マイルドで、舌の奥にアタリがあり、滑らかな前方へのフィニッシュ。英語>日本語
JCBennettSTARS発泡黄桜京都府2020/6/8 23:14:408JCBennettMildly sweet, light on the bubbles, clean and crisp on the tongue, subtle fruits like plum (?)
JCBennett八重垣純米ヤヱガキ酒造兵庫県2020/5/10 2:14:0711JCBennettMight just be my new favorite. Light, sweet flavor without being overpowering. Smooth finish. Little to no aftertaste. Very well balanced.
JCBennett奥の松Ginjo奥の松酒造福島県2020/4/21 2:54:319JCBennettSweet rice nose. Smooth , crisp taste. Clean aftertaste.
JCBennett無ヤヱガキ酒造兵庫県2020/4/19 22:09:356JCBennettA slightly bitter finish in the back of the mouth. Alcohol flavor present. Clean, with no initial aromas. Rice flavor present.
JCBennett南部美人Tokubetsu Junmai南部美人岩手県2020/4/19 1:17:1613JCBennettThere's a hint of sweetness with slight pop of flavor. Crisp, clean, hints of flowers (?)