ぱんぢOkunokamiToshimaya ShuzoTokyo5/4/2024, 12:10:02 PM15ぱんぢThe sweetness that spreads softly and the tangy stimulation in the mouth are good.Japanese>English
ぱんぢUrakasumiSaraMiyagi1/26/2024, 12:19:44 PM1/26/202414ぱんぢSpicy and refreshing like natural water. I'm too drunk to understand Japanese!Japanese>English
ぱんぢHakurakuseiNiizawa JozotenMiyagi1/26/2024, 10:14:36 AM1/26/202413ぱんぢMellow and spicy on the Leo full moon day, reminding us of the great turnaround ahead.Japanese>English