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鳥や 橙

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鳥や 橙
Junmai-shu ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Polishing ratio koji rice 60% kake rice 65% ALC 16% Sake degree +6 Acidity 1.8 The aroma is subdued and the taste is sharp and dry. It is a refreshing and delicious sake. The brand with black letters on a white background and a green moon label will be released in December 2021 as "Unfiltered raw sake, 60% polished rice, 65% kakemai, al16 Sake degree +6.0, acidity 1.8, yeast Association No. 9], but it is not an unfiltered nama sake, so I registered it as new in the check-in. Chigasaki toriya orange: 20230508
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鳥や 橙
Junmai 100% Yamadanishiki from Itoshima ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Polishing ratio 65%, ALC 15 I finally came across [Tanaka Rokuugo]. It is a refreshing sake with acidity and rice flavor. It may seem a little dry because of its slightly acidic taste, but I think it probably belongs to the slightly sweet category. I had been curious about Toriya Orange for a long time. I saw this "Tanaka Rokuugo" on the sake menu posted outside and decided to enter the restaurant 😄. The inside of the restaurant is clean and the kitchen is run by the manager (?) and a female staff member. The inside of the restaurant was clean and was run by a manager (?) who was in charge of the kitchen and a female staff member. ☺️ The appetizer was steamed chicken. It tasted like chicken breast or chicken breast. We ordered three dishes: the most popular chicken liver, smoked chicken, and cucumber with ume plum. The chicken liver has a great taste and texture 🥰. Smoked chicken. The smoked chicken was smoked just right and delicious. The accompanying quail egg is a little salty 😔. Ume cucumber went well with its saltiness and sake 😋. Lastly, I ordered the chicken liver skewers...again, they were delicious😍. Chigasaki Toriya Orange: 20230508