kswnokJokigen本醸造 旨口仕込みKano ShuzoIshikawa3/9/2025, 1:00:43 PM19kswnok3.5 Less than 1000 @ Alpra This is one of my favorites. This rank might be pretty high in Ishikawa.Japanese>English
kswnokTengumai舞Shata ShuzoIshikawa3/9/2025, 12:18:06 PM22kswnok2.5 820 yen @ Osaka-ya Honestly, not tasty. I'm surprised there's such a difference in price by 100 yen, because it was heavenly!Japanese>English
kswnokKagatobi極上原酒 純米大吟醸FukumitsuyaIshikawa3/8/2025, 11:11:09 AM16kswnok4.2 Oita delicious! If there's a better drink than this, I'm soooo happy.Japanese>English
kswnokKaga no Tsuki満月 純米吟醸Kaestu ShuzoIshikawa2/10/2025, 11:54:01 AM13kswnokQuite a distinctive taste. Personally I like it Might be for different people 3.5Japanese>English
kswnokKikuhime姫KikuhimeIshikawa2/10/2025, 11:47:15 AM17kswnokAbout 880 yen @ Alpra Slightly sweet taste Delicious, but still not the same quality as Kikuhime's Daiginjo. However, it tastes great! This deliciousness is totally possible at this price! 3.2Japanese>English