fbE8WH85jjSuigei生酒 しぼりたてSuigei ShuzoKochi12/7/2024, 9:55:20 AM13fbE8WH85jjLike fresh but not sweet melon juice.Japanese>English
fbE8WH85jjKumanokumanonachinotakiOzaki ShuzoWakayama12/5/2024, 2:14:30 PM14fbE8WH85jjEasy to drink normally. Make it a gift for someone you want to live a long life.Japanese>English
fbE8WH85jj松阪牛Mie12/5/2024, 2:10:44 PM15fbE8WH85jjIt is best drunk cold to refresh the palate.Japanese>English
fbE8WH85jj多賀 延命長寿多賀Shiga11/26/2024, 11:42:19 AM11/25/202413fbE8WH85jjKambe-san's Enryakuji souvenir. It's like old-fashioned sake.Japanese>English
fbE8WH85jjKirakucho新ばしりKita ShuzoShiga11/26/2024, 11:27:17 AM11/25/20242fbE8WH85jjNew Sake Nama Shu Shinbashiri Medium-hot, refreshing. You can drink it like water. It doesn't linger at all the next day. Maybe the best ever. Sukipi liked it very much.Japanese>English