SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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It has a bit of sweetness, like a tossed cotton candy, and flows smoothly. It is mild on the palate and quite refreshing. Surprisingly, it may be similar to Nagano sake. ⁉️ First time at Miyazaki sake, 300 check-ins ✨(though it was in the order of posting 💧). This is also one I bought at the brewer's festival at the Hankyu Umeda main store on September 1. When tasting it with Mr. Sakeran, he surprised me by saying "Miyazaki sake is pretty serious ‼️" and bought a basic Junmai sake. If I see it again, it will be one of the other brands I would like to try 💡. 720 mL ¥ 1,500
Yoohee, congrats on 300 check-ins & your first Miyazaki sake ㊗️🎊 Sake from Kyushu is of a very high level 😳. It's hard to find it in my hometown, but I hope to get it again at some events 😊.
熊谷 朋之
Hi Yoohee! 😃 Congratulations on your 300 check-ins! 🎉 Back to you! I got some Sentoku the other day too, but I haven't drank it yet. 😅 After reading your post, I want to drink it!
Congratulations to Yoohee-san for 300 check-ins 🎉🎉🎉You have completed the difficult task of clearing Miyazaki within the year. Miyazaki's sake is also delicious. I would like to drink it again if I have a chance 😄.
Congratulations to Yoohee for 300 check-ins 🎉🎊 You made it in time for the end of the year 😁Let's aim to win the national championship next year🗾.
Hi Yoohee 😃 Congratulations on your 300 check-in ㊗️㊗️㊗️ 🎉Yuhey's Sentoku looks even more delicious 🤗I'd like to drink it one of these days 😅because your review makes me think so 🤗.
Yoohee, congratulations on your 300 check-in 🎉You decided to go with Miyazaki sake, the hardest to conquer in the whole country 👍Sentoku also has many different types of sake, so you will want to try others 😉.
Hi Yoohee, hello ☀️😀😀 Congratulations on your 300 check-in 🎉🎊㊗️Congratulations on your Kiri number, it's very rare to see Sentoku from the difficult Miyazaki prefecture 😳I've only ever had a cup of sake so I'm jealous 🥺✨.
Yoohee, congratulations on your 300 check-ins 🎉🎉🎉! Kiri 😳‼️ order in Miyazaki prefecture within the year, but it is also quintessential to be greeted with a rare sake from a memorable event ✨Sentoku, I was also surprised at how delicious it was!
Hi Yoohee 😃 Congratulations on your 300 check-in and your first Miyazaki sake ㊗️🎊🎉! You did a great job to make it in time for the end of the year👍. Sentoku is surprisingly good looking, isn't it⁉️
Rafa papa
Congratulations to Yoohee for 300 check-ins ㊗️🎉🎊 It's quite a tough call to be a Kiri number in Sentoku 🤣It's only a matter of time before you conquer the whole country 😁.
Yoohee, congratulations on 300 check-ins: ㊗️🎉🎊 I miss the Hankyu Sake Brewery Festival: ☺️ It makes me happy when I unexpectedly come across delicious sake 😊I'm on a straight path to conquering the whole country in search of such encounters 🚄.
Yoohee-san, congratulations on your 300 check-in and Miyazaki sake🎊You really did a great job with the Miyazaki sake at the end of the year✨It's kind of amazing to clear 300 at the end of the year. I'm looking forward to seeing what you will be drinking in the new year 😊.
Now oh? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 No, no, no, no, and Ale 300ckin awesome! Thanks and congrats ㊗️✴️🎊 I'm sure the St. Kun Junmai was better than the Sono Hen no Sono Hen!
Masaaki Sapporo
Yoohee, thank you as always 👍Congratulations on your 300 check-ins 🎊Congratulations on the Sentoku, which is hard to find here, it looks delicious✨I'd like to try it someday!
Thank you, Maru. ❗️ When I grew up and looked at the breweries in Kyushu, I realized once again how high the level of quality was 💡. If you have a chance, please try some more at the event👍.
Tomoyuki Kumagai Thank you for all the likes ❗️ So you're on standby for Sentoku👍 With all due respect, I was surprised when I drank it thinking it wasn't that high 👀. I drank it slooooooooooooooooooooooowly✨
Thank you Luteltemi, ❗️ We still have a lot of unposted items, but we managed to get it up to the point where it's ready to go👍. If you're here again for the brewery festival, by all means, have a drink ✨.
Thank you bouken ❗️ I'm still working on my September post, so it looks like I'll be going to 400 check-ins again before I know it 💧. I'm certainly going to have a shot at the national title next year ⤴️
Thank you Jay & Nobby ❗️ I may have overstated it a bit, but I'm sure it was delicious👍 Please try it at the event or on your next trip to Kyushu ✨.
Thank you, Nemuchi. ❗️ I always appreciate being informed and moving ✨. I still have to actively pursue it to achieve Miyazaki 💧. I'd like to compare other drinks next time 💡.
Thank you for the "like", Maechen. ❗️ I would love to bring some rare sake for the first day of the event, but I had so many posts that I had to do it in this order 💧. If you have a chance, please try a four-pack 💡.
Thank you, Ponchan. ❗️ I was so excited when I posted it, wondering which sake was going to be the last one. I was so excited when I posted it, and I was a little relieved when I saw that it was Sentoku lol. I'm glad you thought so too ✨.
Thank you Haruei Chichi ❗️ I'm in a hurry to upload more photos before the end of the year, because I haven't posted any for more than 3 months now. If I ever get a chance to go to Miyazaki, I'll have a lot more fun there👍.
Thank you Rafa papa ❗️ Picture-wise, I'm very reluctant lol. I'd love to conquer it, but I'd like to clear Okinawa by drinking outside, avoiding the four-packs as much as possible 💧. The rest of the time, I'll just pop it in and whatever... lol.
Thank you, Aladdin. ❗️ It's already the beginning of September 💧. I've been going to a lot of well-known liquor stores, so it's a good learning experience to go to a big event and look around at places I don't usually pick up 💡.
Thank you, Wakata. ❗️ I'm a little relieved that I was able to bring some rare sake in Kansai and that I was able to reach the "Kiri Number".
sake-run-san, I feel your criticism so much lol. Thank you ❗️ I was also deciding to buy it because of Mr. Lan's reaction at the time, but it tasted even better when I drank it at home ✨.
Masaaki Sapporo-san, thank you very much for your "like" ❗️ When you and your wife go back to Kyushu, please look for it 👀. I don't see them in Nagasaki, so I think you'll have to look for them in Fukuoka 💡.