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Showa Kinen Park (国営昭和記念公園)

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KoeigikuSNOW CRESCENT純米原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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Showa Kinen Park (国営昭和記念公園)
Kouei Kiku SNOW CRESCENT Today we had a picnic with our friends and family at Showa Kinen Park* We managed to have a sunny day so the kids could enjoy themselves in the morning. I wanted to do duck boating with my kids, but we'll do it next time*. On to the main topic, my friend said let's drink Kouri Kiku at the park in summer, so we both tasted two cups of it at a time*. Ponkkk! A pleasant sound echoed through the park* High gas pressure*. The aroma is citrusy and refreshing on the rise! The attack is sharp with the proof of the pleasant sound, and although there is some lees, it gives a smooth impression. The nose has a good amount of bitterness and acidity, grapefruit-like and refreshing! The lingering aroma is also pleasant*. Drinking Koei Kiku in a lush summer park was the perfect combination*.
Hi Miki 🌳☀️☀️. Great holiday 🌳☀️! Honorable chrysanthemum for a lunchtime drink👍. I love the fluffy dome at Showa Memorial Day Park. Kids love it 😄.
Mr. tkmts! Hello! Actually, it was too big for me to reach the Fluffy Dome this time, so I played at the playground equipment, ran through the field, had lunch, and came back* I'll try the Fluffy Dome next time!