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Miyosakae朱(あか) 本醸造本醸造
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December 8, 2023 Evening drinks at home. After work, I bought some snacks and drank sake. I opened a bottle of Goshiroei Shu (red). This is my favorite sake for dinner these days. It is my favorite sake for dinner these days. It has a full-bodied and umami flavor. and umami, but it has a beautiful finish that does not make you feel It is delicious at room temperature. Delicious at room temperature, A new standard sake that is delicious at room temperature and can be served with a variety of foods. I would like to have a bottle of this sake on hand, but I can't find it in my neighborhood. I want to keep a bottle of this sake, but I can't find it at all in my neighborhood. I want to keep a bottle of this sake, but I can't find it in my neighborhood....... Ehime It is delicious with smelt sashimi, grilled sea bream, taro cooked with sweet potato, chestnut rice, etc. I enjoyed it with sashimi of Ehime smelt, grilled sea bream, taro cooked with sweet potato, chestnut rice, and so on.
Miyosakae朱(あか) 本醸造本醸造
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November 5, 2023 Dinner at home. The sake I drank the day before was so good that I immediately Repeat purchase. Seiryu, the brewer of Iyo Kagiya, is a brand distributed only in Ehime Prefecture. Seiryu brewery, which brews Iyo Kagiya, has a renewed version of Miyosakae, a brand distributed only in Ehime Prefecture. It is a renewed version of Miyosakae, a brand distributed only in Ehime Prefecture. The lineup consists of the original Gen (black) and the watered-down Shu (red). The lineup consists of two types of sake. After tasting the Gen After tasting the Gen, I tasted the Aku. After tasting Gen for a while, we now tasted Shu. It is brewed in the traditional four-stage brewing process. It is brewed in a traditional four-stage brewing process and has a firm sweetness and umami flavor. It is brewed in a traditional four-stage brewing process, and although it has a firm sweetness and umami, it has a clean and crisp aftertaste. The taste is clean and crisp. This renewal has added "beauty" and "beauty" to the traditional richness and umami. The renewal has added "beauty" and "cleanness" in addition to the richness and umami of the previous brews. and "beauty" in addition to the traditional richness and umami, and it is exactly as it should be. It is exactly as it should be. After drinking Gen but as a food sake, it can be used in a variety of situations. It can be used in a variety of situations as a food sake. This time I paired it with a sashimi of wild amberjack from Hokkaido and a whole body of toro (full fat) Hokkaido wild amberjack sashimi.
Miyosakae玄(くろ) 本醸造原酒本醸造原酒
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November 5, 2023 Dinner at home. The sake I drank the day before was so good that I immediately Repeat purchase. Seiryu, the brewer of Iyo Kagiya, is a brand distributed only in Ehime Prefecture. Seiryu brewery, which brews Iyo Kagiya, has a renewed version of Miyosakae, a brand distributed only in Ehime Prefecture. It is a renewed version of Miyosakae, a brand distributed only in Ehime Prefecture. The lineup consists of the original Gen (black) and the watered-down Shu (red). The lineup consists of two types of sake. Taste the original sake Gen first. The first one is Gen, which is a mild but fruity sake. It has a mild but fruity aroma. It has a mild but fruity aroma. It has a fuller flavor and more alcohol than the Shu It has a fuller flavor and more alcohol than the but it too is crisp and easy to drink. Although it is reasonably priced, it has a rich and mellow flavor that does not make you feel It is a good sake with a rich and mellow flavor that does not make you feel It is a good sake with a rich and mellow flavor.
Miyosakae朱(あか) 本醸造本醸造
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November 4, 2023 Dinner at home. At a supermarket with a good selection of seafood, I found an unfamiliar shrimp on display. I bought a pack of prawns to try out for the first time. I bought a pack of shrimp just to try them out. I also found a bottle of sake that I was not familiar with. I also found an unfamiliar bottle of sake on the shelf, so I took it home without hesitation. I took it home without hesitation. Seiryu Shuzo, the brewer of Iyo Kagiya, brews a brand of sake that is distributed only in Ehime Prefecture. Seiryu Shuzo, which brews Iyo Kagiya, has a new brand, Miyosakae, distributed only in Ehime Prefecture. I heard it is a renewed version of Miyosakae, a brand distributed only in Ehime Prefecture. The quality of the sake has been improved. It is said to be a renewed version of Miyosakae, a brand distributed exclusively in Ehime Prefecture. the classic label used before and after World War II. The lineup is also The lineup also includes a watered-down The lineup has been reorganized into two types: red (the watered-down version) and black (the undiluted version). The one we drank this time was the The one I drank this time was the watered-down The one I drank this time was the red version. I think it has a slight yellow tinge. It looks almost colorless and clear, although it may have a slight yellowish tinge. It is almost colorless and clear. At room temperature, it is slightly sweeter and richer than Iyo Kagiya. and richer than Iyo Kagiya at room temperature. It is a little sweeter and richer than Iyo Kagiya at room temperature. It is very easy to drink. It is very easy to drink. It has a good sharpness and seems to go well with a variety of dishes. It seems to go well with a variety of dishes. The price is reasonable and the taste is delicious. I have a feeling that it will become a new staple for I have a feeling that it will become a new staple for evening drinks. The meat and miso are rich and sweet. The shrimp was delicious with the Tottori black shrimp, which is rich in both meat and miso I enjoyed it with the Tottori black shrimp, which is a mosa shrimp.
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October 23, 2023 Evening drink at home. I drink to push myself to the limit (I don't know what that means any more). I drink to push myself (I don't know what that means anymore). This time I chose Otokoyama Gomenzake. This time I chose Otokoyama Gomenzake. The aroma is classical. The aroma is classical, and the acidity stands out. It has a very clean taste. The alcohol content is 13%, so it is easy to drink and enjoy. It is easy to drink and the alcohol content is 13%. and you can easily drink more and more. It is easy to drink and will keep you going. It was delicious with local Spanish mackerel and Hiramasa (farm-raised) sashimi I enjoyed it with fatty local Spanish mackerel and Hiramasa (farm-raised) sashimi.
Keigetsu相川譽 山廃純米酒 58純米山廃
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October 19, 2023 Dinner at home. I got a good fish at the supermarket after work. I'm on a diet, but I drink sake. This time I chose Kaygetsu, which I haven't had for a long time. Yamahai Junmai This is the first Junmai I've ever had. The aroma is mild and The aroma is mild, and the sweetness is moderate. It has a firm umami and acidity. It has a firm umami and acidity, and is crisp and refreshing. It was delicious with moderately fatty bonito sashimi and seared vermilion sea bream. It was delicious with seared bonito and sea bream with moderate fat.