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Miyosakae玄(くろ) 本醸造原酒本醸造原酒
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November 5, 2023 Dinner at home. The sake I drank the day before was so good that I immediately Repeat purchase. Seiryu, the brewer of Iyo Kagiya, is a brand distributed only in Ehime Prefecture. Seiryu brewery, which brews Iyo Kagiya, has a renewed version of Miyosakae, a brand distributed only in Ehime Prefecture. It is a renewed version of Miyosakae, a brand distributed only in Ehime Prefecture. The lineup consists of the original Gen (black) and the watered-down Shu (red). The lineup consists of two types of sake. Taste the original sake Gen first. The first one is Gen, which is a mild but fruity sake. It has a mild but fruity aroma. It has a mild but fruity aroma. It has a fuller flavor and more alcohol than the Shu It has a fuller flavor and more alcohol than the but it too is crisp and easy to drink. Although it is reasonably priced, it has a rich and mellow flavor that does not make you feel It is a good sake with a rich and mellow flavor that does not make you feel It is a good sake with a rich and mellow flavor.