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Miyosakae朱(あか) 本醸造本醸造
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November 4, 2023 Dinner at home. At a supermarket with a good selection of seafood, I found an unfamiliar shrimp on display. I bought a pack of prawns to try out for the first time. I bought a pack of shrimp just to try them out. I also found a bottle of sake that I was not familiar with. I also found an unfamiliar bottle of sake on the shelf, so I took it home without hesitation. I took it home without hesitation. Seiryu Shuzo, the brewer of Iyo Kagiya, brews a brand of sake that is distributed only in Ehime Prefecture. Seiryu Shuzo, which brews Iyo Kagiya, has a new brand, Miyosakae, distributed only in Ehime Prefecture. I heard it is a renewed version of Miyosakae, a brand distributed only in Ehime Prefecture. The quality of the sake has been improved. It is said to be a renewed version of Miyosakae, a brand distributed exclusively in Ehime Prefecture. the classic label used before and after World War II. The lineup is also The lineup also includes a watered-down The lineup has been reorganized into two types: red (the watered-down version) and black (the undiluted version). The one we drank this time was the The one I drank this time was the watered-down The one I drank this time was the red version. I think it has a slight yellow tinge. It looks almost colorless and clear, although it may have a slight yellowish tinge. It is almost colorless and clear. At room temperature, it is slightly sweeter and richer than Iyo Kagiya. and richer than Iyo Kagiya at room temperature. It is a little sweeter and richer than Iyo Kagiya at room temperature. It is very easy to drink. It is very easy to drink. It has a good sharpness and seems to go well with a variety of dishes. It seems to go well with a variety of dishes. The price is reasonable and the taste is delicious. I have a feeling that it will become a new staple for I have a feeling that it will become a new staple for evening drinks. The meat and miso are rich and sweet. The shrimp was delicious with the Tottori black shrimp, which is rich in both meat and miso I enjoyed it with the Tottori black shrimp, which is a mosa shrimp.