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インテックス大阪 5号館

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インテックス大阪 5号館
Tourism Expo Japan 2023 Report 16📝. I said I would mainly visit foreign booths, but as a result I drank 16 kinds of sake 💧. Finally, I decided to have some Reizan that was waiting for me at the Kumamoto Prefecture booth 🍶. It has a slightly matured and mellow aroma. However, being a junmai ginjo, it has a clean aftertaste. I thought the fact that they called it a tourism expo but generously served expensive sake was not inferior to other sake festivals 💡.
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インテックス大阪 5号館
Tourism Expo Japan 2023 Report 3📝. The "Japan Sake Brewery Tourism Promotion Council" booth, the last one is Nihonmori. Not much sweetness, just a smooth flow. It is dry and suitable for a mid-meal drink. I drank it in the wrong order. I should have drunk it from now on💦. And to come from Nishinomiya and drink Nishinomiya sake 💧. It was a good opportunity for me because I don't drink sake in the neighborhood 🍶. Here's a break to refresh my palate with a half-size bowl of kaisen-don and a half-size bowl of roast beef-don ☕︎
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インテックス大阪 5号館
Tourism Expo Japan 2023 Report 2📝. Japan Sake Brewery Tourism Promotion Council" booth, followed by Miyano Snow. Miya-no-snow was highly praised by Nemuchi-san in the past. ❄︎ The label is rarely seen in Kansai, but I was able to drink it this time👍. It has a muscat aroma and is thick and flows with a strong sense of sweetness. I thought it might be a little sweet because it is a daiginjo, but I found it to be very sweet and enjoyable on its own 💡. I thought the level of Mie sake was also very high, and many of the sakes are my personal favorites ✨.
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インテックス大阪 5号館
Tourism Expo Japan 2023 Report 1📝. Tourism Expo Japan is an annual travel trade fair held alternately in Tokyo and Osaka. Last year I went to the Osaka event 🚈. (*I didn't intend to drink sake, but I didn't refuse what I was offered...) The first booth was the "Japan Sake Brewery Tourism Promotion Council". To put it briefly, it is a public interest incorporated association that aims to promote tourism in the region centering on sake breweries, and plans hands-on tours for inbound visitors. Well, I don't think this tour is necessary for those of you reading this article who are active in sake activities, lol. What they had on tap at this time was, Manotsuru, Miyanoyuki, and Nihonmori. I started with Manotsuru. I often see this Junmai Daiginjo at Asano Sake Brewery, but this is the first time I've seen it 👀. This luxurious bottle is made with 100% Yamadanishiki from Sado Island and brewed with Niigata yeast 🍶. Unlike the image of Yamada-Nishiki, it is not light, but has a sweetness that expands and quickly wears off, making it very easy to drink 💡. Personally, I don't like Yamadanishiki that much, but this was one I could drink without getting tired of it👍.
Hi Yoohee 😃 I had never heard of the Tourism Expo 😳I guess this kind of event is a way to decide where to travel abroad 🤔I love that they even have a booth for sake brewery tourism 🍶☺️ would love to go there 😊.
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee 🌖. I see you went to the Tourism Expo! I'm so jealous 😍It's a dream event of delicious food, isn't it? I couldn't go due to work conflicts, but I could have met you if I had gone 🥺.
Aladdin Sun Good evening ⭐︎ Some of the booths have local visitors, so it's a great way to interact with different cultures👍. Many of the Japanese booths will be promoting Japanese sake, so I think you can enjoy that alone 💡.
Maru, good evening. ⭐︎ The event was a good example of how PR activities can have a lot to do with the amount of visitors an area attracts 💡. It was a day full of delicious food and takeaways ✨.