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After enjoying "Ippongi" with sushi at the sushi bar, the owner kindly allowed me to taste another awesome sake 😁. Kuroryu Ishidaya A top class of Fukui's famous "Kuroryu" sake that needs no explanation. A drink you can't normally drink with one foot in old sake ✨. The counter is wood grain, so it's hard to tell, but the color is a little brown 🥃. The aroma is matured well, the taste is calm and mellow like caramel, and the aftertaste is clean with a glimpse of "Ishidaya". It has been more than 10 years since I last drank "Ishidaya", so it has been quite a while since I had a chance to drink it! However, in my personal opinion, I like it better if I drink it without letting it sit 🤣.
Good morning, Jive 🐥. The sushi shop where the sushi was laid out was amazing, as was the customer who brought it to me! And the fact that you can drink this is what Fukui is all about 😊.
Good evening, Mr. Gyve 😃. Sushi 🍣 that has been laid down by craftsmanship to concentrate the flavor is a roar of deliciousness 😋 but you are a two-faced man who also lays down the sake 😁. I want to go to a sushi restaurant with a counter 🥹 for the first time in a long time!
Hi Pon-chan! There are only a few stores in my hometown that serve "Ishida-ya", but there are some, so it depends on your communication with the store owner 😅. I heard that the owner opened the bottle saying, "Let's drink it!
Hi Jay & Nobby ☀☀☀☀! It's been quite a while since I've had sushi at the counter myself, so thanks to my friend for bringing me 😁. I'm going to try to learn more about the fish to go along with the story, so I'll try to refer to that for my next entrée ✨.
Ippongi純米大吟醸 一本義物語
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After work, a friend invited me out for a drink, so I went to Katamachi, downtown Fukui, for a New Year's drink. We went to a sushi restaurant that my friend frequents 🚶. The owner of the sushi restaurant opened a bottle of this New Year's sake for us to enjoy 🍶. Ippongi Junmai Daiginjo Ippongi Monogatari. The aroma of sweet melon filled the area when the bottle was opened, and when I checked the aroma up close, it was mellow and deep melon-like aroma. This is "Ippongi" top quality limited edition sake with a leather label depicting this year's zodiac sign 😁. It's not like the dry sake I usually drink hot 😲. It's been about 6 years since I had a chance to drink it. Hare sake is really delicious 😋. I also had a bottle of "Ippongi Hatsushibori" from the same brewery that had been aged for 2 months! The aroma is full and rich with rice, the mouthfeel is rich and umami with a mild aftertaste, and the alcohol has a strong impact at the end. The taste was not as fresh and gaseous as it had been after 2 months of aging, but it had a more subdued flavor.
Hi Gyve, good evening. It's fun to have a drink with a sudden invitation 🎵. And a sushi restaurant is definitely a good place to drink sake. ⤴️ And from your review of the sake, it looks delicious 🤤.
Hi ma-ki-! I can do it because my family is back home 😅. The downtown area of Fukui is a little far from the station, and although the area in front of the station was crowded with people going back home, the downtown area was quieter and I could relax 😁.