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Bijofu舞 うすにごり純米大吟醸生酒発泡
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This week...a few days of being almost crushed under the weight of responsibility...I'm tired! But it's over! Thursday, usually a day off from drinking. Sake! I can't help but drink! I bought a bottle of Bikuyo light nigori the other day, from Hamakawa Shoten in Kochi. ...I let my guard down! 💦. The gas overflowed with so much energy! I quickly closed the bottle and it didn't spill, but I wish they'd be more careful 💦 to warn people about spills. Finally opened the bottle, A cloudy, carbonated water with bubbles, Gorgeous, cool and refreshing aroma, Vibrant, crisp, gassy, already a carbonated beverage, a champagne of rice, The sweetness is moderate, the acidity and bitterness are strong. The bitter taste is fresh and light, with a tangy taste on the tip of the tongue, The aftertaste is fresh, light, and leaves a lingering, gentle aftertaste, It is delicious! It seems that dry sake with strong acidity goes well with Kochi's cuisine. Local taste is interesting. === Ingredients: Rice Ingredients:Rice(domestic),Rice malt(domestic) Raw material rice: Matsuyama Mitsui Polishing ratio: 50%. Alcohol Content: 14 Sake degree: +3.0 Acidity: 1.5 Amino acidity: 0.7 Soft water from the Nahari River, which originates deep in the Yanase cedar forests, one of the three most beautiful forests in Japan, is used as the brewing water. AA-41 (Kochi yeast) Second fermentation in bottle 500ml 1,540 yen === The company's website is ★★★★☆
Yukitsuru微発泡霞酒 純米吟醸 無ろ過生酒純米吟醸生酒無濾過おりがらみ発泡
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A slightly effervescent, winter-only, limited-quantity Kasumi-zake from Yukitsuru, It looks so delicious! I tend to avoid low-alcohol drinks, but this one has a certain charm that makes me want to drink it. The aroma is fresh, fruity, and sweet, with a hint of banana and lychee, The supernatant is light, sweet and sour, The top clearings are light, sweet and sour, and refreshingly light, The top is light, sweet and sour, with a slight tangy gasiness, When on the lees, it becomes The top is light, sweet and sour, with a slight tangy gasiness, It has a soft sweetness and a clean, refreshing flavor, It is very crisp and easy to enjoy. It's delicious! === Ingredients: Rice (domestic) Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Ingredient Rice:Niigata Gohyakumangoku, General rice Rice polishing ratio: 58 Alcohol content: 12 Sake degree: +1.0 Acidity: 2.0 1,540 yen for 720ml === ★★★★☆
Glorious Mt.Fuji仙龍 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Eikofuji Senryu Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu Limited Sake! I went to Tasai Sake Brewery, which was recommended to me at a recent drinking session. They have fresh raw sake and orikarami, which require refrigeration, as well as a limited edition of "nama-zake" (limited edition). There are also a variety of year-round sake that is well controlled at low temperatures. A small but worthwhile sake shop! There were a variety of rare sake that I wanted, but I decided to try an out-of-prefecture sake, so I got a bottle of Eikofuji's unfiltered, unpasteurized Shiboritate sake! Fresh, crisp banana, hard rice aroma. Fresh, refreshing banana, hard rice aroma, and a smooth and refreshing mouthfeel. Sourness and crisp bitterness. The aromatic flavor is refreshing and The mildly lingering aftertaste lingers in the throat... The label is very informative. It is not as sweet as it appears. It is refreshingly delicious. Glorious Mount Fuji! === Ingredients: Rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic), rice wine (domestic) Ingredients:Rice(domestic),Rice malt(domestic) Rice: Miyamanishiki produced in Yamagata Prefecture Polishing ratio:60 Yeast used: Yamagata yeast Alcohol percentage: 16.4 Sake degree: -7.0 Acidity: 1.5 Amino acidity: 1.0 1,595 yen for 720ml === ★★★★☆