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酒屋 巡akitomei


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酒屋 巡
(Please don't be sorry if it doesn't look any different. I'm having a hard time asking for a photo.) I heard it's all about the sake... I want to drink the sake I want to drink... I want to drink the sake I want to drink... (The popular Fujii difference.) I found myself staying a little too long. Well, well, you know, if you keep getting rejected.......glass no shonen (´; omega; decision) jidainano desuyo! Dongstop✕2 I love you, you're so cute! It's just a drink... (Unlike the Hollywood actor who got on the plane a few minutes ago.) Oh no, I sang in a tavern... Since each sake bottle holds 2 cups of sake, we have 2 kinds of sake for 4 cups. Gifu's sake. A sake that can be drunk like water even though it is lukewarm. Slightly sour sourness, slightly sour but strong astringent sourness........ I'm out of breath...no, it's a stuffy nose! Sake is delicious. It's the water of life, isn't it? Whiskeybabe...haaaaay! (Turn the globe) We're in Scotland! ...No, I'm drinking sake now... I'm drinking alone, so there's no one to pick on me or laugh at me. My eyes... my eyes... they itch!
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酒屋 巡
I get dumped on, dumped on, dumped on, and then I end up here. And when you get there, it's always crowded. Today, the boss was late for his work, so he went straight home. I left early, which was unusual for me, and had some free time, so I went for an adventure in Kanda. At the first restaurant...the place was packed with customers, and the waiter didn't even notice or take notice of me. I immediately said, "I'm full! and immediately cut off. Guitar Samurai...well, that's a bit of an obstacle for a first-time visitor, isn't it? The second restaurant...also full of customers. The owner apologized and the mama came out, but I didn't even get a chance to talk to her. I was the only one saving money, but...I'd rather have a reservation. The third restaurant.... It's a small, fancy place with few seats...I'll be damned if I'm going to let a sushi place like that get to me. This was the fourth sushi restaurant we went to. I thought my usual restaurant would be the most stable...but it was rather tight. I guess it depends on the time of day. We managed to get a seat in the back and finally had a drink. Jusui, Yamagata Prefecture. This sake was recommended to me by a liquor store near my house. The sweetness of the rice comes through, but there is also a slight astringency, perhaps due to the fact that it is a ginjo. It is refreshing and has a slight astringency to it. Lukewarm...no, it's lentil, but it's ingenious! No, it's not good, I have a stuffy nose.... I'll drink alone and lonely...today seems to be a bad day for me...