ちひろUnspecified文佳人純米5/17/2024, 11:03:47 AM5/17/202411ちひろThere is a sense of ginjo with a strong umami aftertaste.Japanese>English
ちひろYukikomachiFukushima9/8/2023, 11:29:24 AM11ちひろIt feels refreshing right after you put it in your mouth, with a bitter aftertaste. I found a bottle without a label and bought it.Japanese>English
ちひろJuyondaiTakagi ShuzoYamagata9/1/2023, 12:31:59 PM9/1/202312ちひろJyushiyo Honmaru Overwhelming winner ~ !!!! 🥰Japanese>English
ちひろKudokijozuKamenoi ShuzoYamagata9/1/2023, 11:38:47 AM12ちひろNot much sweetness, tingling on the tongue, bitter aftertasteJapanese>English