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A good size fish came in, so I bought it. I also wanted to drink a little, so I bought some alcohol. I like eating and drinking at restaurants, but I also like the excitement of the preparation stage at home. Now, as for my impression of the alcohol, "Sue... Pho." That's how I feel. In other words, it was such a refreshing feeling. I wanted to apply it to mackerel stewed in miso. The excitement, similar to that of choosing sake or fish, added color to my daily life. Such is the day.
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I think one way to enjoy sake is to drink it while immersed in memories of the past. There are times when it suddenly evokes memories of the past. This sake is one such bottle. As a memory hashtag, ##Yakitoriya ##Charcoal Pot . off the top of my head When the bottle is first opened, the new student is a bit shy and fidgety. But after a couple of days, he is so shy that I want to say, "You're such a character, aren't you? After a couple of days, however, he is so funny that you want to make a comment, and before you know it, he is in the center of the class. Such an interesting and tasty drink.
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It is very tasty. However, it is difficult to get. Personally, I would rather have it when I go home than drink it on a regular basis. It is the kind of existence that makes me feel like I can do my best in my daily life. Maybe I have a stupid tongue, but I liked the feeling that it was easy to drink and the taste came gradually rather than being fruity. I don't know about the details, but that's how I felt.