おーさんAramasaNo.6 H-type発泡Aramasa ShuzoAkita10/28/2023, 2:36:59 PM10/28/2023博多ちょうすけ中目黒店おーさんCitrusy and refreshing Slightly effervescent and easy to drink. Like to drink with spicy food. More meat than seafoodJapanese>English
おーさんJikon純米大吟醸Kiyasho ShuzojoMie10/28/2023, 2:23:18 PM10/28/2023博多ちょうすけ中目黒店9おーさんRefreshing to the palate. Fruity as it should be Umami sweetness like biting into a fruit Soboro cheese was good! Japanese food is good, but I'd rather eat food with less flavor.Japanese>English
おーさんShichikenYamanashi MeijoYamanashi9/15/2023, 3:32:54 PM9/15/2023Jackpot (ジャックポット 下北沢)20おーさんIs it because of the image of fruit in the mountains and pears? Fruity It has a rich sweetness. I had it with raw oysters today. apple-like like peachJapanese>English