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Gekkeikan Okura Sake Museum (月桂冠 大倉記念館)

11 Check-insSee more on Foursquare

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Gekkeikan Check-in 1
Gekkeikan Check-in 2Gekkeikan Check-in 3
Purchased during a visit to the Gekkeikan Okura Memorial Museum in Fushimi, Kyoto. In a word, it has an elegant and refined taste. The sweetness, spiciness, acidity, and astringency are all in perfect harmony without being overpowering. It is the taste of a long-established brewery. Fushimi's water is soft and mild on the tongue. Thank you very much.
GekkeikanTHE SHOT純米吟醸
Gekkeikan Check-in 1Gekkeikan Check-in 2
Trophies from the Gekkeikan Okura Memorial Museum tour. The driver is given this. My partner was tasting a lot of things.... I'm so happy 😢. The taste is very dry as described. It is dry. After drinking this one, I drank the rest of the Kokoyama Summer Sake that I opened last week, and I was surprised at how different it was. Sake is very deep!
