SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites


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Yesterday, I went to dinner with friends for the first time in a while at honda and tomo_loves_junmaishu's knee. It is a stand-up bar, but they had a pretty good selection of Japanese sake. There was a large lineup of Kumamoto sake. Among them, I was astonished that Jikkomai was priced at 550 yen! 😳. I was talking to my friend, who does not drink sake, about the sanshu on the menu, when the couple next to us asked, "Do you like sake?" I was talking to my friend who doesn't drink sake, and the couple next to us asked if we liked sake, and from there on we talked about sake. The wife is a very serious person who is organizing a sake club! 😱. The couple recommended "Kikuike" which they both said "You should try it! 😱 We were treated to a glass of "Kikuchigawa" which they both recommended 😋😋. Oh my goodness! To be honest, I wasn't expecting it, but it's delicious! 😆 It has a very clear and refreshing taste, with no cloying taste, and is as easy to drink as water 👍. 👍 It has a slight sweetness with a hint of umami, and it's delicious! The label on the back of the bottle convinced me that it is Omachi. It finishes with a light bitterness. This is a bottle I would like to drink at home if it were sold. Of course it is perfect as a food wine, but I think it would also be delicious chilled and drunk by itself on a hot day 😉 😉.
>MAJ. Good evening! Jikin for 550 yen is a steal lol! I'll have to check out Kikuchigawa!
I would like to be friends with your wife. I'll have to take a note of this drink.
MAJ, good evening ⭐. Negibozu is good 👍This place is always crowded and you can't get in on weekends. I gave up on Kikuchigawa because there was only one bottle left at the liquor store. Maybe I should have bought it 🤣.
MAJ, I really don't know any sake in Kumamoto except for Hana-no-Kou 😂. Isn't that a great meeting 🤣. You should have pulled me in to the sake crocodile 🙌
MAJ, good evening 🌙 It's so much fun to read ⤴️⤴️I wish I could be one of you 😄
Good evening, MAJ🌆. Did you stay in Kumamoto yesterday⁉️? I was on a business trip today, but it was a day trip... 😹. I envy you ❗️ I wonder if Kikuchigawa is sold in Fukuoka too...
Good evening, MAJ. A round of free drinks with friends left alone? That's a nice way to drink 🤣. I've never seen Kikuchi River😳 I'd like to have a little drink.
Good evening, MAJ 😃🌠. You had a wonderful encounter 😊⤴︎. Sake is still wonderful ✨✨✨. Kikuchigawa, I'll have to remember that 😉✍️
Good evening, Choroki! I'm so glad to see you here 😄 I didn't drink it this time, but 550 yen for a jigyo is bad! Maybe the stocking is stable? 🤔It seems that Kikuchigawa is only sold at 6 shops in Kumamoto prefecture. 😭
Erin, good evening! 😄 I'm sure that madam will get along with you for sure 😆 Kikuchi River is probably going to have to be popped 😆! 💦.
Good evening, tomo_loves_junmaishu! I'm so glad to see you here 😄 Negibozu was almost full yesterday too! I see it's a popular restaurant! 😲I'll look for Kikuchi River when I'm in Kumamoto on business! 😁😁
Good evening, Mr. Manachy! I'm so glad to see you here 😄! I've got quite a bit of Kumamoto sake here, so I've been wanting to explore a little bit! 😋I also talked about Sake no Wa, but it might have been tough since you were very old. 💦
Good evening, Pon! I'm so glad to see you here 😄. We had too much fun talking just because we like Sake 😆👍The couple went to karaoke afterwards 🤗
Good evening, Haruei Chichi! I'm so glad to see you here 😄 It's been a while since I stayed in Kumamoto! I heard that Kikuchigawa is sold exclusively at only 6 shops in the prefecture, so I'll have to ask my grandpa to buy it for me or something! 😂
Good evening, tkmts! I'm so glad to see you here 😄! I'm glad my friend was able to join in the conversation 🤣I can't quit being a sake fan because of encounters like this 😁Please do drop by and check out the Kikuchigawa 👍.
Good evening, Tsubu! 😄😄 I never dreamed that I would meet someone like this at a standing bar in Kumamoto, but it was really fun 😆👍Go to Kumamoto in search of Kikuchi River 😁.
MAJ, you were in Kumamoto, too, weren't you? There is a sake brewery in Yamaga along the Kikuchi River. It is a sake brewery located along the Kikuchi River in Yamaga and the president is Mr. Honda 🤣. There is "Taido" which uses Kame-no-o in the same brewery, but I didn't know they use Omachi ❗
Good morning, MAJ! I'm glad you found a good drink! That kind of encounter is one of the best parts of drinking outside 👍. I envy you 😊.
Hi MAJ ☀️ It was a fun time to meet someone for the first time to talk about my favorite sake and treat them to a delicious drink ♬ It's a once in a lifetime experience for both the sake and the people ✨😊.
Good evening, honda! I've never heard of the Chiyozonoen Sake Brewery, but you're good! I didn't know about the Chiyonen Sake Brewery, but you've done it! 😆I've never had "Taido" though I knew it 🤣I'll try it next time 😋😋.
Maa. good evening! I'm very happy to meet you 😄. I'm grateful to meet good people and drinks ☺️It's hard to talk when you're out drinking alone, but it's easy to get used to having someone around 😆👍.
Good evening, Yu🎶! 😄 I didn't expect to meet a couple of sake lovers. 😆This business trip was really fun to experience a once in a lifetime meeting 👍.

Brands from Chiyonosono Shuzo