boukenHYOGO SAKE EXPO 2024 (2)
Chikamoto's mother works at this brewery. I heard that uniforms and goods are displayed in the warehouse. ⚾️
The official website says that the sake is Junmai Genmai, but according to the official website, it is Special Junmai.
The alcohol content is 18-19%, but it is not too strong for the alcohol content. Sake meter is +3.
It has a graininess and a little sourness. Overall, a classic impression. 
pyonpyonI went to visit my friend's island house - 🏖️ before I went, I took out Sennenichi🍶 and grilled conger eel with white sauce and tareyaki and toasted as soon as I arrived 🍻 We each drank our favorite drink on the balcony overlooking the sea, played life games, napped in the hammock, were soothed by the sound of wild birds, battled with seagulls, and had a fulfilling GW! 😁💨💨 anago and millennium one, endless loop💕 ジェイ&ノビィHi pyonpyon 😃
Your friend's island 🏝️⁉️ looks like something very relaxing and fun😍an endless loop of conger eel and sake with a view of the sea! I like how time seems to flow differently. ☺️ pyonpyonJay & Nobby Good evening 😃😃I've been relaxing in Awaji Island 😆Every time, I always pair conger eel with either Sennenichi or Miyako Bijin 🎵Eat and drink in paradise✨I might have said many times that I don't want to go back to Mo ‼️ 😅. ひるぺこGood evening, pyonpyon. You are enjoying your time in Awaji Island and it's wonderful GW✨I'm having too much fun just trying to decide between anago (conger eel) and Miyako-bijin or Sennen-ichi 🤣I want to drink anago (conger eel) 🍶. pyonpyonGood morning Hirupeko ❗Awaji Island conger eel is delicious ☀️😃❗Awaji Island conger eel is delicious ❤️ I put wasabi on it and wrap it with Awaji Island seaweed and eat it simply with salt only, it's an endless loop trying different things 😆💕I can't drink enough alcohol 💦. Rafa papapyonpyon Hello 😃
Anago and sake endless loop ♾️😳⁉️ isn't it the best 🤣‼️ I want to spend my time in a place where I can see the sea... 😌 pyonpyonRafa papa, good evening 😃😃this is the ideal GW 😁💨I enjoyed it ✨I'll be working tomorrow 😅😅I'm a little blue 😅. さけランBecause it's you, onechan pyon2.
I'm sure your brain immediately converted it to "a deserted island owned by a friend of mine!". I'm sure your brain immediately converted it into "a deserted island owned by a friend of mine" 💧.
Good evening pyon2 👋
Playing the game of life in a vacation home.... ...... you're a celebrity 😇 pyonpyonGood evening, Mr. Sakeran 😃 Japanese is very difficult 😅The result of the game of life was that I lost a lot and it wasn't a celebrity life at all 💦. RecommendedContentsSectionView.title