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もつ焼 坊ちゃん

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只野 呑兵衛ごとさん


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もつ焼 坊ちゃん
只野 呑兵衛
ウォーキングして帰らなきゃ。 でも、やっぱり飲んで帰りたい。 そ~いや昨日の「なりゆき街道旅」で大門駅のモツ焼き屋が出てたなぁ。 っとまぁ、そんなこんなな言い訳でいつものモツ焼き屋へ。 飛露喜の残りを飲み干した後、口開け一発(笑)、愛宕の松 はるこい! 初めて飲みました…いやぁ、にごり酒ながらピリッとした麹の苦味系の酸味とお米の甘味。 それでいてふっとくる爽やかな薫り。 にごり酒が苦手な自分でもスイスイとイケてしまいました。 ここで隣に座った、70歳のおとっつぁん。 日本酒を飲み始めて1、2杯で声をかけられて。 飲んべえ繋がりで、アレコレ話して意気投合して程よく飲んで。 時間切れで飲み直しの餃子を食べて、ご馳走になり。 足元がふらつかれていたので、自分の駅と逆でしたが、せめて改札出まで見送りにと、電車に乗ったのですが…自分の駅を言ってしまったのもアレなんですが…途中で気付かれてしまったようで、下車して改札を出てお見送りと思ったら「ここでいいから。大丈夫。気をつけて帰ってな。」と。 いらん気付いで不快にさせてしまったかなぁ。 飲んべえぃにいらん気遣いは不要。 気をつけねば。
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もつ焼 坊ちゃん
只野 呑兵衛
♪ Summer Ginjo, Summer Ginjo ♪ ...Excuse me, I'm distraught. lol I couldn't drink & eat enough, so I went to Tsudanuma. The usual motsu-yaki on the way home. For better or worse, I'm single...really, I have to think about what's in my wallet (^_^;) Mutsu Hassen Summer Ginjo. Well, it is still sweet. The sweetness of the rice and the sweetness of the ginjo aroma. The mouthfeel is refreshing, but it's a little heavy for meat (^_^;) The sweetness and spiciness of the sake depends on the climate and temperature of the koji. The sake is a little sweet for skewers...well, if you think of it as a dessert to make up for the lack...then don't eat skewers...lol
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もつ焼 坊ちゃん
只野 呑兵衛
Huh, the previous Kokushi Muso is gone... I might have deleted it by mistake.... I'm sorry for those who liked my page. Today is my first visit to the bar. The master of my favorite bar told me about this yakitori restaurant! It's not easy to find a good one. Niigata Limited Jizake Yamama. Junmai sake, unpasteurized. It has a lot of sweetness. But with a hint of freshness. It is a pure sake made directly from the koji mold...oops, is the koji mold healthy? This is quite good. The shop and the atmosphere could have appeared in a wandering book. I heard that the main store is in Nishifunabashi. Hmm...should I hide it? I learned a good shop. I heard that a large store will be ready in a little while or not. Now, I'm going to order my third cup...? (laughs)