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Jikon純米吟醸 八反錦 生
It was Wednesday, a day off from drinking, but I knew Jay would be home late on Thursday, so I was thinking in the car on the way home that maybe I should move it up a day and have a drink today 🤔. When I got home and tried to talk to Nobby about it, he preemptively attacked me saying "the question is whether we should drink tea tonight or not 🤔" 😆 I was waiting for him and he countered with "of course we should drink 🤗" and the party started👍. I got this with the points I got when I bought the first three tanks! We finished the three brothers the other day, so we decided to open a bottle of this one too, even though it's an ordinary day 😊. I'm going to drink it at home for the first time in a while since I had a nigori at the end of last year! I'll make love to you! Yes, it's still delicious 😋! The first taste is umami and sweetness, followed by a fruity acidity with a hint of gas 😚 and then a bitterness that comes later and is quite strong 😅It left a lingering taste on my tongue at first, but as I continue drinking it with the food, it brings happiness to my mouth. ☺️ I'm sure you'll be happy with it as you continue to drink it with your favorite snacks! It's so well-balanced! I drank it all up in the blink of an eye 😢. I always think that it's hard to buy but it only takes a moment to drink... I spend my days to enjoy this moment as much as I can 😌.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌙. I'm so jealous 🥺. I had bad timing and ended up with 2 of the same 😍
Jay & Nobby, good evening ⭐Drinking a glass of Jizin at home on an ordinary's the ultimate in luxury ✨Gasiness, bitterness, delicious sounding words 🥰Lately my drinking has been slow due to hay fever...and Sengoku no Sekime is still waiting!
Jay & Nobby Jikin‼️ it's wonderful to be able to drink it at home👍because it's delicious 😋.
Jay and Nobby, good evening 🦉. We always love the conversation between the couple that starts the party 😆👍It's small and friendly ❣️ Maybe it makes you want to try again and again because all the hard work is gone in an instant 😊.
Jay & Nobby Good evening (^o^) You are so lucky to be able to drink Jikin-san on weekdays! Actually, I got Jikin with my points too! I am looking forward to drinking it now. I will try to drink it while being conscious of the balance!
Jay & Nobby, good evening 🌙As always, I'm impressed with how the two of you are in sync with each other 🥲I've never had a raw one at home yet 😍It may be hard to buy one, but it's a moment to drink one, I agree 😅.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😀 In my case, it is totally up to the luck of the raffle whether I can take home Mr. Jiang 🤣. I started the lottery challenge last September and last year I won 4-1 and this year I won 2-1😇. I guess I'm the lucky one in the lottery 🤣.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃. We are always good friends 🥰. We want to drink sake with my wife too😭 My wife hates sake 😂 like if I buy sake I have to buy more 🤬. I'm jealous 🍶. I'm jealous of your home drinking of Jikin! This is the year to drink Jikin and Jyushiyo at home! Plans 😁
Hello, Bousuke 😃 I'm sure you can have two bottles of the same one 👍 looking forward to your review 👋
Hi Mamio 😃 We have very little stock left, but we had some 而 now glowing in the back of the fridge ✨we were the epitome of happiness 🥹we are light, but hay fever 🤧 is hard 🥲.
Hi Komacchan 😃 I'm drinking it slowly at home, but it will be gone soon 🥲 because it's so good 🤤.
Hi Pon 😃. We drink together all the time 😅I guess we have the same alcohol barometer 😆 Yes! Trying for this fragility 🤗.
Hi Sashu 😃! Oh! Sashiu, you get it now too 👍Yes ❗️ enjoy it when you're feeling well and balanced 👋
Hi Galilan 😃 Which one of us should drink first 🍶! I mean, we're having a bellyache 😆 because it's hard to buy and easy to drink 😅 it's hard to know when to open it...
Hi Yasbay 😃. You have great drinking luck to have won a batch of lottery 🤩We would like to dedicate our next drinking luck to Imi 🥹.
Hi Ao 😃. I'm just trying to get your wife to the swamp somehow 😆 We, today, went for another drive 🚙 in search of alcohol 🤗 to make our plans a reality! Good luck 👋
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌆. Drinking is a moment", that's exactly what it is: ❗️ But we drinkers strive every day for that one moment. In a way we are stoic seekers👍
Rafa papa
Good morning Jay & Nobby 😃! Hachitan-Nishiki is very fruity and tasty, not like Jikkoman 😋 My siblings and niece who don't drink much sake raved about it when we opened it at my parents' house on New Year's Day 😌.
Hi Chichi 😃. I've been visiting liquor stores steadily for a moment of brilliance ✨😌The drinking life is really stoic 😠 but the reward at the end of it is what makes it hard to stop 😆.
Hi Rafa papa😃 I enjoyed the fruity and bitter taste 😋I guess it's good for everyone 👍.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby☆(*´ч`*) I like Jikin's Hachikan Nishiki. It's hard to buy with points, but I appreciate that I can buy it for sure. We can just keep transferring the days off 🙂.
Good evening, Mr. Shieri 😃. It's nice to be able to buy what you want and get it now too 🤗 then I'll have to gun for some other alcohol to open it now 😁.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby😄. On a day of nothingness 而今 ❣️ Yes - it was a happy day 😊♪ We all work hard for that one moment of "goodness" 🤣Drinkers are awesome 🤔🤣.
Good evening, Tsubu 😃. Just having Jikkoman in the fridge makes me smile 🥹, but if I drink it 🤗We sakewa-dan ‼️ are a great group of people who work hard for a moment of brilliance 😁.