
boukenNagasaki limited edition sake
Yoohee-san bought this for me when he went home for New Year's 🙇.
It's a limited edition sake from a supermarket called Elena.
I think it's unusual that all Yokoyama brands have a sake lid and a screw stopper.
3㌥ is also a size you don't usually see in Yokoyama.
There are bubbles in the glass. It's sweet and juicy, though you can't feel any gas.
Fire-roasted but fresh and delicious 😋.
Fruity and slightly dry.
I wonder if it is spicier than the regular Yokoyama.
I think the Yokoyama Super Spicy is sweeter.
I think there is also a draft of this. Yoohee-san drank it before 😊.
Is it sweeter than freshly opened after 3 days?
It's like a grape. chikaWhat the heck 😍🍶✨✨
I want to drink 🤣🍶✨✨ のちをGood evening, Mr. bouken. We are drinking the same thing at similar times, aren't we? It's a great coincidence that we even have the same date of manufacture of the minor liquor. boukenGood evening, chika-san.
It's like a Nagasaki limited edition from Yokoyama no Kura 😊.
It's delicious 😋. boukenGood evening, Mr. Nochi.
I was surprised to see the same one posted on my TL 😁 probably the same lot 🤔. ゆーへーGood morning bouken ☀︎
Thanks for your prompt post 💡.
I didn't notice the screw 💦.
Maybe next time you can compare it with the super-hot 7👍.
If I can get the raw sake, I'll bring it 💨 boukenYoohee, hello ☀☀☀.
Thank you for the delicious sake 🙇.
With this taste, I'm suddenly curious about raw sake too 😋. ゆーへーThis is a continuation of the Fukuoka trip extravaganza report 📝.
I woke up around 5:00 a.m., got ready for departure, and checked out of the hotel🏨.
I thought it would be affected by the typhoon that had stopped the train between Okayama and Shin-Osaka until the day before, but it seemed to be as normal as I could say.
Since I had bought kashiwa-meshi at night, I did not take the izakaya shinkansen in the morning... but ate it quietly and arrived at Shin-Osaka 🚄.
On the way back to Nishinomiya, I received an operation information notice that the Tokaido Sanyo Shinkansen was delayed.
The rain gauge in Shizuoka Prefecture exceeded the standard value, and the service was stopped. The combination of the Bon Festival U-turn rush and the suspension of service between Okayama and Nagoya the day before caused chaos at the station.
The train I was on also left Shin-Osaka and was delayed for over 360 minutes before Yonehara💦.
If I had taken the train an hour later, I would not have arrived at Shin-Osaka yet.
I brought back from Nagasaki a bottle of Elena🐘 Super limited edition ikina hakarai nama sake from the Shigeke Shuzo brewery in Yokoyama.
The pichi shuwa sweetness is gooey and pulls away with a slightly savory aroma.
The juiciness that is typical of Hiragana Kokoyama is still there and recommended as a Nagasaki souvenir👍.
Elena Platt Mall Nagasaki
720mL ¥ 1,760 遥瑛チチYoohee, every time ❗️
What a coincidence ‼️
I went on a business trip to Omura yesterday and got off at Hayaki on the way there and bought a bottle of this at Elena in front of the station.
I didn't know it was only available in Elena, but it was as good as Yokoyama👍. Rafa papaGood morning Mr. Yoohee 😃
I took the first train in the morning and returned to Shin-Osaka via Kanazawa 😊I went from Tokyo to Shin-Osaka via Kanazawa 😭. ゆーへーGood morning, Chichi!
You're right about the timing of my delaying the post: ‼️
It's true that they have small bottles, so it's cheap and tasty enough to take home for those who don't want to buy a #4 bottle ✨.
This was one of the candidate sake for the Kansai Off-line Meeting 🍶. ゆーへーGood morning, Rafa!
I know you had a rough day 💦.
No, no, I don't have much luck with alcohol instead, so I'd like to have that one lol. はちべえIki na hakarai," which even "Yokoyama" fans may not be familiar with.
This is a Junmai Ginjo from Shigeya Shuzo, the brewer of "Yokoyama".
The name "Yokoyama" is right on the bottle.
It is a locally distributed brand sold only in supermarkets called Elena in Nagasaki Prefecture (part of Saga Prefecture).
The aroma is mild. There is a peculiar petitiveness characteristic of nama-shu. From there, it has a rounded, mango-y sweetness! It is rich, juicy and delicious.
When you come to Nagasaki, please stop by not only Huistenbosch, sake shops and breweries, but also Elena. Rare sake "Ikinahakarai" is available.
Now, the fourth photo is of Saga's balloon that came to Nagasaki.
"Daddy, I want to ride in a balloon!" Leave it to me! I'll take care of it, girls! So, from 5:30 in the morning, Dad stood alone in line to buy tickets for the balloon ride! He got the tickets safely, clutched them, and waited for his family to arrive as he watched the balloon grow bigger and bigger... The balloon was flapping wildly in the wind...
The attendant said, "Choo-shoo!"
Abort? Eh!
The wind was so strong that the balloon ride was cancelled.
At night, iki nakara nodded me off. ポンちゃんGood evening, Hachibei!
It's a sake with a good taste and a good name! Still, I'm sorry about the balloon 😭. はちべえGood evening, Pon-chan!
Iki na hakarai" means "Iki" in Japanese, lol.
I would love to ride in a balloon at least once, wouldn't you! RecommendedContentsSectionView.title