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Kunpeki辛口 手造り特別純米生貯蔵酒無濾過
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The last one is Isun Heki. A delicious sake with a mellow aroma. With a lot of help from the instructor, we completed the molding of three types of sake cups (4th photo). They will be completed in a month. Afterwards, we went out for a lunchtime drink with other event participants.
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Next up was Onnajojo. As is typical of Aruzoe, it is clear, light, and crisp. As expected, it is too pale when drunk from the flat sake cup on the right side of the third photo. After that, I drank some Isobeki and got tipsy in the morning and tried to drink rokuroku for the first time in my life (4th photo). It was a rare experience 😅.
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Yesterday morning I attended an event at Jiro no Ma (a sake bar I visit frequently). The content of the event was to compare three kinds of sake (photo #3) with various sake cups (photo #4) to experience the difference in taste, and to make your own sake cups if you like. I couldn't find any ceramic sake cups that I liked, so I decided to make my own. I'll make my own sake cup........ I couldn't take notes, so I started with Sakiyami and reviewed it from memory. It was a little fresh, light, and gorgeous, sweet and tasty. Even with the second narrowest sake cup from the left, I could feel the aroma surprisingly well.
Good evening, Yasu⭐︎ 🎏. I've made my own sake cup, but it looks very difficult to make one for sake 😳💦. Nice project for sake drinkers who can't get enough of it👍
Good evening, Mr. Staggerfoot. Are you also a staggerer and can't get enough of it? 🤣 I had an image of making it more bulky for the sake, but I managed to get it into this shape with a lot of help from my teacher 😅. It was a really good project and I enjoyed it ✨
I'm the kind of person who can't get enough lol. Glass is so susceptible to outside temperatures, so once again, I love ceramic 😊 ✨. You're good at it 👏It's hard to do even with help if you're not handy! I'm looking forward to seeing your kiln 😃.
You've just said you're of the school that can't get enough of it 🤣. Many people around me say that pottery is the strongest. The rokuro was more difficult than I imagined, but was it better for a debutant? I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product 😅.