Rice polishing ratio: 60
Alcohol content: 16%.
Sushi, Sake & Snacks Sugitama Ryogoku JuleClean and refreshing taste with beautiful acidity
Yamadanishiki/Gohyakumangoku (Koji), General rice (Kake)
Rice Polishing Ratio : 50% (Koji), 60% (Kake)
Yeast : Association #7 yeast
Alcoholic Beverage : 15.5
@Sushi, Sake & Snack Sugitama Ryogoku
813/unit JuleZero.
Fruity, umami, and delicious!
Misato Nishiki/Akita Sake Komachi
Rice polishing ratio: 55-58
Yeast: Akita new yeast
Sake meter: +2
Acidity: 1.2
Alcohol level: 17-18
@Sushi, Sake, and snacks: Sugitama, Ryogoku
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