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しゃぶしゃぶ かがやき

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しんしんSY田中 楽


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しゃぶしゃぶ かがやき
田中 楽
In May 2018, we rented out a restaurant in Takadanobaba for a gathering of my college baseball team. At that time, one of my seniors who lives in Aizu-Wakamatsu brought two sakes: Junmai Daiginjo Kame no O and Daiginjo Mai, both from Aizu brewery Suehiro Shuzo. Mai" is no longer being produced, as the liquor store's past information stated that on January 11, 2022, "Mai" was sold out due to the end of production," (according to Shimada Shoten's website). (Description on Shimada Shoten's website) https://www.sake-shimada.co.jp/news/6778/ This sake is described as having "a mild aroma, smooth flavor, and gentle aftertaste, aged at a low temperature for more than five years.
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しゃぶしゃぶ かがやき
田中 楽
In May 2018, we rented out a restaurant in Takadanobaba for a gathering of my college baseball team. At that time, one of my seniors who lives in Aizuwakamatsu City brought me two sakes: "Junmai Daiginjo Kame-no-o" and Daiginjo "Mai" from Suehiro Shuzo, a brewery in Aizu. Kame-no-o" is the name of a rice developed in Yamagata during the Meiji era. It was difficult to cultivate and had fallen into disuse, but it was revived in Aizu and brewed with Suehiro's yeast. The website describes the characteristics of this sake as follows: "A refreshing cool sensation spreads quickly in the mouth, and the elegant acidity and faint bitterness further broaden the flavor.
Tanaka Raku-san, how quickly it has passed...it has already been 5 years...it was the previous year's celebration for the 100th anniversary party, wasn't it? I often receive Suehiro from this senior. It is a delicious sake.
田中 楽
I miss it. It has become difficult in this world to get together with such a large group of people, but I hope we can get together again someday.