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御前酒菩提酛 火入れ缶カップ ー雄町うすにごりーにごり酒
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It's love at first sight😻 The design and the can shot through my heart! I picked it up right away at the store. 100% Omachi from Okayama Prefecture Rice polishing ratio 70%. Alcohol: 16%. First, hold the can and shake it. It's a breakthrough, even if it's for mixing 😆. When you open it, it's pretty white. And then, just gulp it down 🎶. Gentle sweetness, delicious taste of rice. The sourness makes it refreshing to drink. This is delicious ❣️ I just gulped it down, but I'm sure it would be delicious heated up as well. It's easy to make and good for camping 🏕. I was alone so I had a super lazy junky dinner 🤭. Donbei Tempura Musubi and Donbei Kakiage Soba! The omusubi tasted just like tempura soba with bonito and kelp broth on rice! Donbei has chewy soba noodles and thick kakiage (deep fried tofu), so you can enjoy both crunchy and soft texture. Both were delicious, but not so good with nigori sake 😂. I think it would have been better with cheese 🙄🙄.
Good evening, Pon. 😊 I was so enthralled by the wanky menu. I was so excited to see your menu 😊. (I'm sure it will go well with cheese and white sauce. I'm sure it would go well with dishes with cheese and white sauces. 😍😍
Hi 😁Oh, I love the sake 👍9NINE seems to be the end of this season, so I'll have to drink it ✨I'm really curious about the onigiri!
Good evening, Pon-chan. I've never had sake in a can, but it looks very tasty, especially since I know that Okayama is famous for Omachi 😊. I didn't know there was such a thing as Donbei rice balls 😲.
Good evening Pon-chan🌇The strongest Donbei kakiage soba is good 😋It seems that recently it is popular to arrange Donbei to make okonomiyaki, that might fit 🤣⁉️ don't know but ‼️
Good evening, Pon😄. This soba from Saikyou Donbei is delicious 💕 We have soba noodles with duck broth from the Strongest series on standby at home (lol)!
Good evening Pon-chan 😀 I'm interested in the Gozenshu Cup Bodaihashi, but I'm also interested in the Tempura Soba of the Strongest Donbei ‼️ I've only had the Kitsune Udon of the Strongest Donbei 🦊.
Hanapin Good evening 🦉. Sometimes I want to do something like this 😁This is delicious 〰〰,❣️ I think the white sauce would go well with it too! I'll make a note of it 📝🙏.
Tsuyodai, thanks for your help here too 😊. 9NINE is gone 😳‼️ I'll have to drink it💦. Onigiri is said to be in western Japan so maybe it tastes different in different regions 🤔 the feeling of noodles turned into rice 😆.
Good evening, ma-ki-san. I think this brewery made all Omachi, right? It was delicious with a sour taste 🤔. Onigiri (rice ball) tasted like Dodonbei and was delicious 😆If you have a chance to try it 🎶 please do!
Good evening, Mr. Manachie. Okonomiyaki 〰! I had never heard of it so I googled it 😆 It looks delicious ❣️ and I think it fits! I don't know 🤣
Good evening, T.KISO-san! I'm going to buy some soba noodles with duck broth because I love duck 😆 Oh! I love duck so I'm going to go buy some 😆 Oh, and if you try it, what do you think of it? If you try it, please let me know what you think 😁🙏.
Good evening, Mr. Takku 🦉. I was hungry so I decided to have soba noodles with a short waiting time 😆 Kitsune udon also looks delicious 😻I'm going to get some of this too 😊.
Good evening, Pon-chan 😃. I knew for a long time that Donbei has East and West due to the difference in soup stock, but recently I found out that they also have North and South and I wanted to compare them 🤤I wonder if onigiri also have East, West, South and North 🤔.
Good evening, Pon-chan ^_^ Nigori in a can, shake it and pakka gokko ☺️ I bought and ate this omusubi when I went to Yokohama ✌️ This combination is the best 👍! I'll try it next time 😁.
Good morning, Pon 😃! Easy, crispy, crunchy, gobby ‼️ is kind of a good rhythm 🎵🤗5 minutes to the amazing texture 🥹I would love to taste it 😋.
Rafa papa
Good morning Ponchan 😃 Junky meals sometimes make me want to be irresistible 🤣I can only do it when I'm alone and that immorality is indescribable... 😁
Hi Aladdin 🐦. There are also north and south 😳I didn't know 💦I want to compare all of them but it's tough to buy and eat 4 😂The onigiri seems to have different soup stock in east and west 😊I have to buy the west one and get on the bullet train 🤣.
Hello Manta 🐦. I was thinking that it's really not safe to rain on the ground 😱. I want to try it 〰〰😻😻 I want to try it 😻😻
Hi Jay & Nobby 🐦. I wanted to try the kitsune udon but time was a factor 😂 but I still wanted to eat it 😁Cup noodles have become so delicious that I can't imagine what they used to be like 😊👍💕.
Hi Rafa 🐦. I remember when my father and I used to go to a convenience store and buy what we each liked to eat 🤭 I love that he never thought about nutrition 🤣.
Masaaki Sapporo
Pon-chan, good evening 🌙I too compared Donbei, east, west, south, north and south, along with Hirotogawa Nigori 😁 As a result, I still have Donbei food poisoning 😱.
Masaaki Sapporo, sorry for the late reply 🙇💦. All east, west, north, south and west 😳‼️I'm going to go take a look now 💨