shinya.uTengumai山廃仕込純米山廃Shata ShuzoIshikawa3/17/2025, 5:45:31 PM2/14/2025Beisia Food Center (ベイシア フードセンター 浜松都田テクノ店)22shinya.uYellowish in color. Cold: Aged flavor can be detected. Not my personal favorite.Japanese>English
shinya.uEchigosakura大吟醸Echigozakura ShuzoNiigata4/17/2024, 2:06:48 PM4/17/2024Beisia Food Center (ベイシア フードセンター 浜松都田テクノ店)16shinya.uCold: Aromatic and sweet. Easy to drink and delicious. Heated: Gives a rich and rich taste. Gold medal at the Best Sake in a Wine Glass Awards Gold medal in the National Heated Sake Contest No wonder it won a double award. Good cosmetics.Japanese>English