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bevitore (べヴィトーレ)

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初日の出純米大吟醸 蒼光純米大吟醸
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bevitore (べヴィトーレ)
6/10 Congratulations to Bevitore on their 5th anniversary! So on that day, we will have our first DJ event, and we will set up tables outside for street drinking. One of the regulars prepared a celebratory sake, a high-grade sake made with Kyoto's "Shuku" (celebration), and I was treated to it. Perhaps I was looking at the specifications of the sake, a junmai daiginjo with a 40% rice polishing ratio, but it was what I would call a good sake. It is well-balanced and can be served as it is or as an in-between-dinner drink. I thought it would be good warmed up, but since it is a celebratory sake, I guess it is better to drink it in a big gulp with everyone toasting it together.
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bevitore (べヴィトーレ)
8/10 I wonder if "Supin" means unfiltered unpasteurized sake. It is made of 1:3 Yamada Nishiki from Mie Prefecture and Ise Nishiki from Mie Prefecture. It's a rough sake, and it's very assertive, so it's hard to decide when to drink it. It's a kind of sake that makes you want to say, "Ouchan, this is it! It tastes really good.