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カスミ フードスクエア日立神峰店

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カスミ フードスクエア日立神峰店
Purchased at Kasumi, about 1000 yen for a four-pack. Chilled and served in the refrigerator. It is not a refreshing, crisp type, but rather a combination of a refreshing and a full-bodied one, with a higher weight on the full-bodied side for me personally. It's not spicy, but as the label says, it's a medium-bodied sake! It might be better to drink it at room temperature, so let's leave it at room temperature.
Morishima富士大観 本醸造 蔵出し本醸造
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When I stopped by the supermarket, I found sake wrapped in newspaper and bought it, attracted by the newspaper. Well, we had just run out of sake. I opened the bottle at room temperature. I got the impression that the sake had a wild taste with a bit of a tangy flavor compared to the sake I usually buy. I will refrigerate it for a day before drinking. So we had it chilled. The wild taste at room temperature is gone, but it is still a dry sake as described.