濱森 俊行Midorikawa清酒Midorikawa ShuzoNiigata3/16/2025, 3:29:11 AM3/14/2025うえ田22濱森 俊行I enjoyed the grilled angel prawns while eating them whole, and the presence of the prawns was just right, retaining their flavor but not disturbing it.Japanese>English
濱森 俊行KidHeiwa ShuzoWakayama3/14/2025, 12:14:48 PM3/14/2025うえ田2濱森 俊行It's good straight down the middle!Japanese>English
濱森 俊行AramasaNo.6 R-type、S、XAramasa ShuzoAkita3/14/2025, 10:44:14 AM3/14/2025うえ田15濱森 俊行It's like a rummy with a little bit of the "Mr." out of it, and easy to drink! X was my favorite!Japanese>English