SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Yamagata Masamune稲造 イナゾー
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I was drinking Nichinichi with a picture of Jyushiyo as a side dish 😆I was in the middle of drinking Nichinichi, but then I changed the taste a little 😄and switched to Inazo. I felt the graininess of ❗️ was too strong 😞I drank only one glass and changed to Nichinichi 😅. I regretted that I drank too much in the wrong order yesterday 😑 ❓ How about today❓ Take a sip! Oh, this is delicious! This is delicious ‼️ no it's totally different from yesterday 😳 It is rich with the flavor of rice. Yesterday I felt like this was too much. But today it is very easy to drink with good acidity on top of this rich umami 😋. Kino. style, it's delicious 🐘. The label says, "Life is a game. As I get older, the more I think about it, the more it resonates 🤔. At the end of my life, I want to say with a smile, "I played well with my life. I want to say with a smile at the end of my life: ☺️ By the way, the other weekend My son's Bon vacation was short and he couldn't go back to Utsunomiya 😢 so J&N family got together in Ichikawa where his father was! That night we had a party at Izakaya with my sister. As you can see in the 3rd picture, the price of Jyushiyo was 680 yen for the first bottle, which is a very reasonable price for drinking outside! As a result, we had Jyushiyo => Tasake => Nanbu Bijin => Urakasumi. Well, now I can drink Jyushiyo at home 😎.
Jay & Nobby, good evening 😋 Inazo-chan is delicious 😋 Inazo and Towada City have a connection, so please keep up the momentum and have some more Hato 😉. Ichikawa Izakaya is very nice 😲.
Hi Jay & Nobby, good evening. Yamagata Masamune, the first sake from the brewery I remember receiving on my honeymoon ✨I haven't had it since 😁. I love the one phrase on the label 🎵. Great lineup of izakaya too 👍️
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! Inazo 🐘 It was delicious with a rich flavor and good acidity 😋. Delicious 🐘.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😃. Elephant 🐘 You are enjoying your drinks... It made me think that when you drink more than one alcoholic beverage, the order is quite an important factor 🤔Hmmm... Also interesting to see the taste change from day 1 to day 2 of the same drink 😙.
Hmmm, "Ano" 14yo at a reasonable price? The one I drank was also 1 coin for a tokuri. ...... J&Noby, this is Kochikara 😋. Supply and demand balance is coming down or supply is increased ......? I'm a little curious 🤔
Good morning Jay & Nobby 🐰 Your daughter's choice of restaurant is wonderful ✨I've never seen a restaurant where you can drink Jyushiyo for under 1000 yen 🌻 The order in which you drink is also luxurious and amazing🎶.
Mr. Jay & Ms. Nobby Hello 😍. It's interesting how the taste of sake changes not only with temperature but also with the passage of time after opening the bottle😍. I love the izakaya where you can drink Jyushiyo at a reasonable price 🤩.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby! A family set of Jyushiyo! That's also 680 yen a batch 😳‼️ even if it's in your house, you can't help but drink it 😆.
Jay & Nobby, Sake changes its taste after a few days... I also put some sake aside if I don't like it on the first day (^o^) and you have a great izakaya. Personally, I like the fact that you have a lot of sake from Tohoku (lol).
Hi Manachy 😃 Oooh! I see you have a connection with Dove🐦chan! The liquor store that sells it is far away but I'll get it 🫡. It was a good pub 🏮😊.
Hi ma-ki-😃 I didn't know that you haven't had a drink since your honeymoon...how about next wedding anniversary 🤗?
Hi kino.😃 You are right 🐘. I hope you get well soon 🐘🤗.
Hi Hitto 😃 Yes, I know! You should think carefully about the order in which you drink them 🐘. Also, it's good to enjoy the daily changes without blinking 🤗Dekinai kedo.
Hi, Sakaeran 😃. I'm certainly curious 🤔 but in total the gross margin is probably over 55% 🤑may be a lose/lose/gain business 🤗
Hi Usagoden 😃 I'd drink a Jyushiyo at this price if I could find one 🤗I can rely on my daughter's search🔦 power at times like this 😁.
Hello, Koizo 😃. I really like your taste! There are many points like time passing, temperature change, food to match, etc 🤗 so sometimes you feel it's different from what you drank before 🤔.
Hi Pon 😃 We were the only two people drinking sake at the family gathering 😅we were also the only two who cheered when we saw this menu 🥲I wonder what it's all about for those who don't know 😑.
Hi Sashi 😃 Huh? I think it's better to let it sit for a bit before drinking it 🤗. It was my first time at this restaurant and my daughter made a nice choice👍It was indeed a lot of Tohoku sake!
Hi Jay & Nobby! I'm sure you'll find that sometimes you have a bad combination of drinks and think it's not so good, but when you drink it alone at a later date, you'll find it tasty 🤔. I didn't know there was a place where you can drink "Jyushiyo" at such a reasonable price 😲.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃 Drinking day and night while looking at pictures of Jyushiyo is quite a luxury 😀. It's also interesting that you describe the real sake change as a taste change! I mean, I'm not sure which one is real 🤣.
Hi Gyve 😃 Yes, you are right! You need to have the decisiveness to switch quickly if you think it's not good enough 🤔. It really was a very drinker-friendly pub 🤗!
Good evening, Haruei Chichi 😃. I enjoyed the luxury of only having this one moment 🤗I really only had one real sake change, and then I had to change it back 😅.