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AramasaColors 天鵞絨 ヴィリジアンラベル 美郷錦 2021BY純米生酛
キラタソGood evening, we've reached the milestone of 600 🎊㊗️🎉! In honor of 6, I'm celebrating with a drink that I haven't had at home in quite a while 🙌! Shinsei Colors Tenge Viridian 2021✨ Lot No: 21CVD-01 I've seen this many times when drinking outside, but when drinking at home, I tend to let it sit for a long time 😅 Well, let's save all kinds of fun for the future: ☺️ The tasting was very gentle, but the first impression was a minty herbal freshness, followed by a hint of melon and honey with a little bit of maturity. The taste is crisp and hard like Misato, but the acidity of the base gives it a lightness, while the astringency and dryness of the wooden vat and the sake yeast in the latter half of the taste has a slightly matured, honey-like flavor. It's been a while since I've had a Niimasa, but it's delicious 😋😋😋😋😋.
まえちんGood evening, Kirataso 🌃😀😀 Congratulations on your 600 check-ins 🎉It's great to drink home with a bottle of Niimasa Viridian with a Kiri number commemorative sake 🍶´- 🥳👍.
ポンちゃんキラタソさん 600チェックインおめでとうございます🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 colorsのヴィリジアン💚素敵なお祝い酒 そして美味しそう✨家呑みしたことないので羨ましいです😻
ルテルテミCongratulations to Kirataso on your 600 check-in 🎊🎉Congratulations on your Kilimanjaro number, you woke up from a long sleep and enjoyed Viridian 😊A slow home drinking is good 😁.
ガリランCongratulations on your 600 check-ins, Kirataso 🎉㊗️🎉Well deserved Viridian for the milestone, that's great 😊If I was drinking at home, I'd put you to sleep, I can relate to that so much 🤣.
ジェイ&ノビィGood morning, Kirataso 😃! Congratulations on your 600 check-in ㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️ 🎉I know what it's like to put it to bed 😁I haven't had a good review of Shinsei in a while 🤗.
マナチーCongratulations on your 600 check-in, Kirataso! ㊗️ I haven't had Viridian in a long time, but your review reminded me of the taste 🤤 It's delicious!
Rafa papaCongratulations to Kirataso for 600CI ㊗️🎉🎊 I haven't had a Shinsei for a while... 🥲I'd love to be a Kiri number in Shinsei 🤣!
MantaGood evening, Mr. Kirataso ^_^ I think that Shinmasa is a good choice for the occasion 👍. I've been lucky enough to drink it at home a few times, but it's basically a difficult sake to drink. I think Shinsei is good for drinking at home. ☺️
キラタソ@Maechen. Konbanhar 🌙 Thanks for the congratulatory comments 😊 I have the waste syndrome, but Colors can age for a few years, which is a big help 😅.
キラタソ@Ponchan. Thanks again for your comments 😌. I'm feeling meh here 💦 Hope you have a chance to drink at home too, Pon-chan ‼️ (if you can buy it, it's too good to drink if you can)
キラタソ@Luteltemi. I'm glad you commented on ㊗️☺️ I'm so glad you commented on ☺️ I'm so glad you commented on ☺️ I'm so glad you commented on ☺️ I'm so glad you commented on ☺️ I have the disease of desirability 😷 and my timing is always backwards 💦, I'm in trouble.
キラタソ@Galilan. Konbanhar 😊 Thanks for your comment 🙇. The trouble is, the more you want something you rarely see, the more you want it 🥹, but I'm just happy to be able to drink at home 🥹.
キラタソ@Jay & Nobby. Thanks for all your supportive comments 😊. What a magic way to swamp a drinker 😆 I'm not sure when we'll get another new policy 🤣.
キラタソ@Manachy. Convanha😊 Thanks for your comment ‼️ It has a harder appearance compared to Ecru and Cosmos! And the price is suitably macho too 🤣.
キラタソ@Rafa papa. Thank you very much for your comment on ㊗️ 😊 I hope one day you will be able to post a post about Shinsei at the house drinking number 🥺.
キラタソ@Manta. Thank you for your comment 😊. The #6 yeast is very tasty, but I guess that's because it's a sake made from the same yeast as the original yeast. I think it's a bit hard to pair it as a food sake, plus Miso Nishiki has a solid feel to it 😳.
Masaaki SapporoKirataso. Thank you for everything 👍Congratulations on the 600 check-ins 🎉Varigian also looks very distinctive and delicious 😋.
キラタソ@Masaaki Sapporo. Convinhar 😃 Thanks for your comment 🙇. Viridian is a little more peculiar than others, but it's still delicious ❗️
つぶちゃんCongratulations on your 600 check-in, Kirataso! ㊗️🎉🎊Celebrate with Viridian in honor of 6🥂✨Nice 😆🙌I was so happy to buy the new Masa 😆 but too good to drink 😂I'll have to age it for a long time as a result 😝.
キラタソ@Tsubu Chan. Konnichiwa ☀️ ㊗️ Thanks for your comment 😊 As you said, it's not easy to get them so I'm having to put them to sleep a lot 😂.
ma-ki-Congratulations on your 600 check-ins, Kirataso🎉! That was the best cut-off drink 🎵.
遥瑛チチGood evening, Kirataso 🌆. Very late, but congratulations on your 600 check-in ㊗️🎊🎉! I used to celebrate the number with a new policy 😄. It's not easy to procure it, is it?
キラタソ@ma-ki-. Kombanha 🌙 Sorry for the late reply but thank you for your comment on ㊗️ 🙇 I'm getting into the habit of thinking of Kiriban stories today 😅.
キラタソ@Haruei Chichi. Konbanhar 😊 I'm glad to hear your comment, although it took me a while to reply to yours. ☺️ Shinsei is still hard to get - it seems to be even more scarce this season because of the poor rice melting 😓.