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Next, Towa Sake Brewery in Fukuchiyama I believe the master brewer was a woman. I drink it at home and at events, but I'm not really into it... This is Yamahai Junmai Ginjyo, freshly stored sake. No additive yeast! The rice is Fukuchiyama-produced Yamadanishiki, 60% polished rice ratio, sake strength 0 It is easy to drink, sweet and juicy even though it is a Yamahai. The acidity was impressive. If it tastes like this, it's a good choice.
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The 7th Matsuo Taisha Sake-1 Grand Prix 10 Rokuhan booth. Mr. Bouken said he wasn't really into it, but he had never had it before and there were not many people, so he tasted it. Fukuchi Sanman Niseki, a local Fukuchiyama sake brewed by Jun Imagawa (the eldest daughter), a female toji, and Rokuhan, a pure rice sake brand. Rokuhan. I wasn't expecting it at all, but it has a mild brown sugar sweetness and acidity. It has a slight kick to it, but it's delicious. My favorite type. Rokuhan Akekani Haru Koraru A bit lacking in the loose sake taste. The acidity is a little too much. The label is impressive and nice, and I thought I would like to buy and drink it.
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Matsunoo-Taisha Shrine (松尾大社)
Matsuo Taisha Sake-1 Grand Prix 10 Rokuhan and Fukuchi Sanman Nisengoku, which I have tried several times and have never been able to get into. I drank Newly fragrant special junmai Fukuchiyama Yamadanishiki, 55% polished rice It's too light and refreshing... well... normal... I think this one is probably fire-aged 🤔. Esuefu Junmai Ginjo The same Yamadanishiki from Fukuchiyama as the first sake and the same rice polishing ratio, but the yeast is Kyoto yeast, Kyo-no-Koi, with a Sake meter rating of +5! Sake made with this yeast has an impressive acidity. Is it a multi-acid yeast? As it says "malic acid", it is juicy, sweet and delicious! It tasted like something I would be willing to buy 😋.
六歓秋上がり ほくほく 純米吟醸原酒
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This time it's Rokuhan Autumn Cup. It is a sake from Fukuchiyama, Kyoto and has a nice stencil-dyed label. The bear of this Aki-agari is also cute and I got it. It was love at first sight💕. But it tastes fierce! I was very excited when I opened the bottle. At room temperature. The color is crystal with greenish tints. The top aroma is of plump bananas. The mouthfeel is smooth. The flavor of plump bananas with a lot of flavor flows through the mouth. The latter half of the flavor is bitter and spicy, and the taste is tightened up. The rich and smooth banana flavor makes you smile! It makes me smile. I'm glad it's not ferocious 😊. The sweetness is even more pronounced and delicious when heated lukewarm. The bitterness also stands out, so the flavor is more full-bodied. Ahh, it's been a while since I've had a Rokuhan 😆.
Peco, good evening 🌙 I was curious about this sake because of its unique label and name😊👍It looks delicious both at room temperature and lukewarm😊💕.
Good evening, Pon-chan. I was attracted to this sake by the stencil-dyed label, but I like its robust flavor and rustic taste. Please try it if you like 😊.
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 🌙😃❗Cute label ‼️ I've never heard of this sake before 🎵I didn't know ❗I'm intrigued by the sound of Hokuhoku (no ≧▽≦)😌💓 and thanks for the rice harvest 😌💓
Good evening, pyonpyon. It's lovely, isn't it? They always have great die-dyed labels, but the fall label is especially eye-catching😍I'm sure Rokuhan will be delighted with your taste, too, pyonpyon😊.