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山和星 2021山和星 2021


Kitamachi-63 Sanbongi, Osaki, Miyagi
map of Niizawa Jozoten
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山和星 2021純米大吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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It's in a box that looks expensive. But it's not so expensive, and it's only one bottle per person, so I bought it. I checked it out, and I found that it is a collaboration of Miyagi's popular brand "Yamawa" Yamawa Shuzo brewery and It's a collaboration between the popular Miyagi brand "Yamawa" Yamawa Brewery and "Hakurakusei" Niizawa Brewery. It was originally brewed for the first time in 2019 as a commemorative sake for the 200th anniversary of a local department store in Miyagi. It was originally brewed for the first time in 2019 Since then, it has been made every year as the department store's first sale item and is very popular as a New Year's sake. And this time, it is said that "Yamawaboshi" was put on the market for a long time at the special dealers all over the country. Yamawaboshi" is brewed by Yamawa Shuzo and Shinzawa Jyoten in turns one year at a time. This year, it is brewed by Shinzawa Brewery. Speaking of Shinzawa Jyoten, aren't they the same brewery that brews "Hakurakusei", "Atago no Matsu", and other brands that I like! It has a moist and fresh sweetness, and a vivid crispness in the aftertaste. It's delicious! I'm going to try Yamawa this year if I get the chance.